

活动时间:2024-05-25 至 2024-08-10




Yan Xinyue 闫欣悦 | Awaiting 等待 | 2023 | oil on linen 亚麻布面油画 | 120 x 150 cm



Yan Xinyue 闫欣悦 | Her with her landscape#1 她和她的风景#1 | 2024 | oil on linen 亚麻布面油画 | Two panels in 145 x 45 cm and 80 x 45 cm(双联画)



文:Travis Jeppesen

Yan Xinyue 闫欣悦 | Self care #1 自爱时光#1 | 2024 | oil on linen 亚麻布面油画 | 80 x 120 cm

Capsule Shanghai is pleased to present “Revisit”, Yan Xinyue’s (b. 1992, China) second solo exhibition at the gallery. The show will be on view at Capsule Shanghai from May 25 to August 10, 2024.

The paintings evoke both a sense of rootedness and the experience of exile; and it is in this very contradictoriness that one discovers their wealth of emotion. For the exhibition title, Yan has chosen “Revisit” – a single word, a verb that in many ways encapsulates the underlying desire uniting these works. Like many young Chinese artists in recent years, Yan has chosen to move abroad in order to attain a new perspective, a new angle on her subjects that, very often, only distance can provide. This distancing, and the sense of both loss and discovery that it entails, serves as the theme of the exhibition.

With stunning immediacy, the paintings plummet us into a confrontation with estrangement and nostalgia. Though the crowded airport tarmac depicted in Awaiting, 2023, is wholly of the artist’s own invention, it nonetheless resonates with those scenes of departure that so many of us have endured over the years. The center of the painting is the burning sun in the upper right half, which seems to endow everything its rays touch with the deepest hues of yellow, burning the pavement directly below it with the glaring heat of a pre-sunset summer desolation. What we are awaiting here, of course, is departure. Where we’re going hardly matters, not in this captured moment. “Awayness,” distance, is the cold hard fact with which we’re confronted, in spite of the painting’s colorful warmth.

Yan Xinyue 闫欣悦 | Him and his landscape 他和他的风景 | 2024 | oil on linen 亚麻布面油画 | 165 x 126 cm

Figures in landscapes – studies, really, of figures and their relationships to their surroundings, as the titles alone make bluntly clear – are another recurring preoccupation of these paintings. Him and His Landscape, 2024, uses the term in a rather loose sense: rather than the view of some exterior scene as we tend to connote “landscape” – particularly in a classical painterly sense – we have an interior shot from above of a scene that will be familiar to anyone who has visited a mega-mall in Asia: that of the express multi-floor escalator. The “him” depicted here appears, from afar, like a banal figure, save for the addition of blue wings surrounding his person. In fact, he is a walking advertisement – workers are paid by firms to wear these wings with commercial messaging printed upon them. From this distance, he appears otherworldly, out of place in this empty palace of consumption; his distant likeness gains our affection when we realize how very deeply he in fact belongs to this environment.

The obverse of this painting, Her with Her Landscape #1, 2024, painted upon long, thin wooden panels, is a nocturnal sky turned purple by the fireworks illuminating it. Beneath this breathtaking scene, splayed out on a clifftop at the very bottom of the painting, is a young woman who resembles the artist herself. In fact, the artist – or else a figure that is meant to stand in for her – recurs in many of these works. It is as though she needs to temporarily view herself from the outside in order to come to terms with these new locales in which she finds herself situated. Painting each day in her sun-drenched studio in downtown Los Angeles, Yan experiences both the joys and wonder of experiencing a new, foreign environment, while at the same time longing to discover where and how she herself might fit in. Self-portraiture is but one of the ways that artists throughout time have sought to anchor themselves, regardless as to whether their sensation of being adrift is real or wholly imagined; in this, Yan’s painterly approach is both deeply empathic and firmly rooted in an art historical lineage.

Grappling with the metaphysics of estrangement, alienation, and longing that are well known to all expatriates who, for one reason or another, have elected to leave their homelands behind, Yan Xinyue puts forth a moving elegy in the paintings comprising “Revisit” that will resonate with all who have set forth on journeys wherein a concrete idea of return is far from certain.

Text by Travis Jeppesen

闫欣悦(1992年出生于黑龙江,成长在广东)目前常驻于上海与洛杉矶之间。她于2018年取得⽐利时安特卫普皇家美术学院(Royal Academy of Fine Art Antwerp)绘画专业的硕⼠学位。闫欣悦的作品关注着飞速发展的城市化下的人群和他们的状态。她习惯以戏剧化的形式来表达⽇常城市⽣活。闫欣悦的绘画⾥交织着不同的空间层次和⼒量,她⽆意将她的绘画置于明确的叙事⾥,⽽是邀请观者去解读,进⼊⼀个更开放的想象空间。闫欣悦坚持对绘画本身的可能性的探索,同时她的画⾯总以戏谑的态度使观者在严肃的当下现实中挣脱开来,在令⼈沉思的语境下寻找⼀丝玩趣。

闫欣悦的个人和双人展览包括"重游“,胶囊上海,上海(2024);"A Prayer for the Sunset",Sans Titre,巴黎(2023);"To look Is to Eat",Jack Barrett Gallery,纽约(2023);"夏日迷雾",胶囊上海,上海(2020)。群展包括在C L E A R I N G,洛杉矶(2024);Public Gallery,伦敦(2023);Harper's,洛杉矶(2023);Sans Titre,巴黎(2022);Current Plans,香港(2021);胶囊上海,上海(2019);A+亚洲当代艺术空间,上海(2019);De Brakke Grond弗拉芒文化中⼼,阿姆斯特丹(2018)等。

Yan Xinyue (b.1992) is a Chinese artist who's currently based between Shanghai and Los Angeles. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Art Antwerp (Belgium) with an MFA in painting in 2018. Yan's work portrays the tension in everyday life in the context of rapid urban development. She manipulates objects and subjects into different painterly forms - reality and fantasy are mixed on the same canvas, and the dynamic and the tranquil are blended - revealing the conflict between being a part of society and being an individual. The irony and humor in her paintings invite viewers to escape the solemnity of reality and enter a universe of imagination and possibilities.

Yan Xinyue's solo and two-person exhibitions include Revisit, Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai (2024); A Prayer for the Sunset, Sans Titre, Paris (2023); To look Is to Eat, Jack Barrett Gallery, New York (2023); Summer Mist, Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai (2020). Her work has also been shown in group exhibitions at C L E A R I N G, Los Angeles (2024); Public Gallery, London (2023); Harper's, Los Angeles (2023); Sans Titre, Paris (2022); Current Plans, Hong Kong (2021); Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai (2019); A+ Contemporary, Shanghai (2019); De Brakke Grond - Flemish Cultural Center Amsterdam (2018), among others.

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