

活动时间:2024-06-14 至 2024-07-28

活动地址:北京市朝阳区半截塔村53号郎园STATION A1-4


荒谬的怀恋 / Ridiculous nostalgia


布面丙烯 / Acrylic on canvas

230 x 172cm


在雨天梦游 / Sleepwalk on a rainy day


布面丙烯 / Acrylic on canvas

230 x 155 cm



春天的留在春天 / Spring stays in spring


布面丙烯 / Acrylic on canvas

120 x 110cm

KeYi Gallery is pleased to announce that the solo exhibition of Zhang Wenqiang, "Ridiculous Nostalgia " will open at KeYi Gallery in Beijing on June 14th, marking the artist's second solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition will feature over a dozen new works created between 2023 and 2024, and will run until July 28th.

深夜来电 / Midnight


布面丙烯 / Acrylic on canvas

150 x 110cm

Tarkovsky once said, "One of the most depressing things about our time is that we are tearing apart the very idea of something beautiful." The endemic emptiness of the human soul caused by a lack of inner values leads to a condition known as "hollowness," in which one's inner self is like a small boat adrift on an endless sea, not knowing where one is or where one is going, and occasionally feeling fear about the future. In a society characterized by ennui, people passively become involved in a life-devoid-of-individuality process, and the most vital part of human nature is trapped in an invisible and vast net. "Spiritual incapacity" is increasingly becoming a hallmark of modern people.

生活在远方/ Live in the distance


布面丙烯 / Acrylic on canvas

150 x 112cm

The works in this exhibition are a prose about the memory of one's hometown and people. The expression of psychological states and emotions shaped by the relationships between people and objects in one's memories, and the recalling of experiences in a way that involves a genuine emotional engagement with something false. The scenes in memory are imbued with a poetic sense of ambiguity due to the distance created by the displacement of time and space, much like "mirror flowers" and "water moon." In this series of works, the use of narcissus, fireworks, and starry skies is the concrete representation of certain emotions from memory. The works use black and white tones and a blurred form to subtly convey various allusions, giving a sense of ambiguous distance and image implication, intertwining pain and dreams. Everything is concrete, but everything is also uncertain. Uncertainty is the true depiction of the current situation where people face the contradiction between ideals and reality.

The creator has always played the role of a sorcerer. He does not solve problems, but rather raises questions, thereby summoning a powerful force to purify and heal. Artistic creation is like conducting an ancient religious ceremony, where the force to be summoned is the forgotten emotions, providing a place for the heart to find solace in a desert.



他的个展有:“荒谬的怀恋”,可以画廊,(北京,2024)“重返暗夜”,可以画廊,(合肥,2023); 参加的主要群展有:“以抽象的名义 集结与聚变—五工师生作品展”,悦美术馆(北京,2018);“油敢”,中央美术学院(北京,2017);“InterYouth”国际青年绘画展,中国美术学院美术馆(杭州,2016)等。

Zhang Wenqiang, born in 1995 in Tianshui, Gansu Province, graduated from the Fifth Studio of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2019 as an undergraduate, and now lives and works in Hangzhou.His creation focuses on the relationship between human, object, and society in the social reality to present the psychological state and emotional presence of people shaped by it.

The use of black and white tones and an out-of-focus form in the work through the deconstruction and translation of classic texts, implicitly through various metaphors to give people ambiguous sense of distance and image extension association, the pain and dream interwoven together. Everything is tangible, but everything is uncertain. Uncertainty is the true portrayal of the contradiction between ideal and reality.His works have been collected by X Art Museum.

His solo exhibition include: "Ridiculous Nostalgia" , Keyi gallery , (Beijing,2023) ; "Return to the night", Keyi gallery, (Hefei, 2023); The main exhibitions he participated in : "In the name of abstraction Gathering and Fusion - Works of Teachers and Students of Wugong", Enjoy-Art Museum (Beijing, 2018); "Oil Dare", Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing, 2017); "InterYouth" International Youth Painting Exhibition,CCA Art Museum (Hangzhou, 2016), etc.