

活动时间:2024-06-15 至 2024-07-14


长期以来,怀旧这一概念一直是艺术家、作家和知识分子的灵感源泉。起源于古希腊,在十九世纪,心理学上对怀旧的理解逐渐变为一种对过去的渴望,这种渴望与时间流逝和短暂性相关联:正如斯韦特兰娜-博伊姆(Svetlana Boym)所说,怀旧是一种无法治愈的疾病,因为它依赖于不可重复和不可逆转的现代时间观念。当代艺术家往往以怀旧的隐喻内涵为出发点,在其作品中探讨与记忆、时间、空间和存在意义相关的问题。作为何汶玦在侨福芳草地艺术中心的第二次个展,他将展出一系列作品,从不同角度探讨 “怀旧” 这一主题:怀旧是对人类生存经验的反思,怀旧是后现代艺术的参照物和互文性的组成部分,怀旧是一种对过去的感官体验。

The concept of nostalgia for a long time represented a source of inspiration for artists, writers and intellectuals. Originating from ancient Greece, during the nineteenth century, the notion of nostalgia was gradually associated with an existential condition of longing for the past linked to the awareness of the passing of time and of the ephemerality of existence: as stated by Svetlana Boym, nostalgia is an incurable disease given that is dependent on the modern conception of unrepeatable and irreversible time. Contemporary artists often take nostalgia in its metaphorical connotations as a starting point to address in their works issues related to memory, time, space and the meaning of existence. For his second solo show at Parkview Green Art, He Wenjue proposes a selection of works that explore the issue of nostalgia with a wide range of nuances: as a reflection about human existential experience, as an integral part of postmodern art of reference and intertextuality, as a sensory experience of the past.

恶之花·3# Flower of Evil No.3, 2019

清代匣钵、陶瓷 Qing Dynasty Sagger, Ceramic, 54×22cm


The visual repertoire in his sculptural works is populated by visual elements including skulls, flowers, jade circles, Chinese cabbage, sceptres and weapons: through these iconographies, while addressing issues related to memento mori, ephemerality of existence, violence, power, memory and culture, He Wenjue also encourages the viewers to reflect upon a shared destiny for humans who are meant to experience a condition of mortality.

黄金时代 Golden Time, 2016

瓷 Porcelain, 38.5×38×3cm、48×21×4cm、42×32×3cm


The artist selects a wide range of materials including glass, jade and ceramic, bronze and stone that reflect a fascination for different artistic traditions, both from the East and from the West, while also demonstrating a complex and multifaceted artistic practice consolidated over the years.

坍塌·1# COLLAPSE No.1

陶瓷 Porcelain, 33×16cm


Addressing a wide range of subject matters, the artist, through a system of artistic, philosophical and cultural references, explores the relationships between the body and the environment, and between physical and spiritual dimention.

丰碑·2# Monument No.2, 2014-2015

瓷 Porcelain, 36×36×94cm


The message he conveys also demonstrates a romantic approach and a poetic imagination: from our inevitable destiny, life is filled with endless possibilities and art is tasked with making people aware of it.

Photo Credit: Josef Muller


1970 出生于中国湖南

1989-1992 深圳大学现代艺术学士

1994-1997 中央美术学院第九届油画高研班2003-2006 吉林艺术学院绘画硕士

He Wenjue

1970 Born in Hunan, China

1989-1993 Bachelor of Modern Art, Shenzhen University

1994-1997 The 9th Oil Painting Advanced Research Program of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

2003-2006 Master of Painting, Jilin University of Arts


He is currently the vice president of Hunan Oil Painting Society, a member of China Artists Association and a member of China Oil Painting Society. He Wenjue’s art, while reflecting contemporary society, is also characterized by a unique and personal style. His creations bring art close to life, while guiding the viewers from a familiar and recognizable dimension to a hidden and unpredictable vast space. His works have been displayed in many institutions both in China and in other countries including Indonesia, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Malasia, US, Switzerland, France and UK. His works are collected by Museums in China and abroad including Belgium, Indonesia, Switzerland, Spain, etc.

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