

活动时间:2024-06-15 至 2024-07-05



Shen Yong's oil painting works: Serene At This Moment, will officially debut at the Huacui Contemporary Art Museum on June 15, 2024 at 3:00 pm. This exhibition is hosted by Huacui Art Center and Huacui Contemporary Art Museum.





Shen Yong, "Female Scholar", 35cm x 30cm, 2012


Shen Yong, "Tibetan People", 1989


沈勇,《永恒的记忆 组画》,21cm×19cm,1989年

Shen Yong, "Eternal Memory Group Painting", 21m x 19cm, 1989

沈勇,《永恒的记忆 组画》,21cm×19cm,1989年

Shen Yong, "Eternal Memory Group Painting", 21cm x 19cm, 1989

沈勇的作品展现了他厚实的造型能力和丰富的想象力,对色彩关系的深刻理解及对画面极强的把控能力。他的油画作品帅气、灵动、 激情、华丽,充满了桀骜不驯的洒脱、波澜不惊的优雅和不经意间的幽默。美术界许多前辈泰斗对沈勇评价甚高,毫不吝啬地称赞他是一个天生就会画画的人,或许是他的艺术作品语言风格非同寻常并与众不同,所以在画家云集的上海美术界圈里被大家公认能画善画又画得好的画家,沈勇是难得的。


Shen Yong, "leisurely gaze", 120cm x 100cm, 2024



Shen Yong, "trance", 60cm x 50cm, 2020

沈勇,《天涯比邻 NO.1》,80cm×80cm,2024年

Shen Yong, "Boundless Neighbors No.1", 80cm x 80cm, 2024



Shen Yong, Street Artist, 120m x 90cm, 2020






Shen Yong, "Early Autumn", 120m x 90cm, 2020

The Youth of the Wind…

Shen Yong is a very unique painter at present.
Shen Yong, a painter born in the 1960s who grew up in a peaceful era, started learning painting at the Children's Palace in Luwan District, Shanghai during his childhood, and then jumped to Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts before graduating from high school. He became the first oil painting student admitted to Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts after rectifying the chaos and resuming the college entrance examination. In that year, there were only 15 students in the oil painting department of the 78th grade, and Shen Yong was the youngest.

沈勇,《异域拾零 NO.3》,60m×50cm,2021年

Shen Yong, "Exotic Pick Up No.3", 60m x 50cm, 2021

Shen Yong's artistic journey was not smooth, with ups and downs like a symphony. After graduating from university, he returned to Shanghai. He was assigned to Shanghai TV Station, and then transferred to Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio under Shanghai Group as an art designer. He has done many jobs that are totally different from his oil painting specialty. But he always remembered that oil painting was his profession, and his obsession and persistence in oil painting art supported him to stick to this belief. For decades, he has distanced himself from the restless fame and fortune market, devoted himself to studying and creating oil paintings, and created many wonderful oil paintings. At the 7th National Art Exhibition in 1989, a set of paintings by Shen Yong depicting the famous Spanish surrealist representative painter Salvador Dali, titled "Eternal Memory," made a stunning appearance and made his name known to the art world.


Shen Yong, "Strangers on the Journey", 40m x 80cm, 2020

Shen Yong's works showcase his solid modeling ability and rich imagination, as well as his profound understanding of color relationships and strong control over the visuals. His oil paintings are handsome, agile, passionate, and magnificent, full of rebellious and unrestrained elegance, and unintentional humor. Many senior figures in the art world have highly praised Shen Yong and generously praised him as a person who is naturally skilled in painting. Perhaps his artistic works have an unusual and unique language style, so in the Shanghai art circle where painters gather, Shen Yong is widely recognized as a painter who can paint well and well. Shen Yong is rare.


Shen Yong, "Pink House", 90m x 70cm, 2024

Time flies like a shuttle, and the youth of the Wind Boy in those days is no longer youthful. However, Shen Yong's original intention of painting remains unchanged. He is willing to be lonely and calm, but happy to paint has no intention of being in the world of fame and fortune. He always maintains a safe distance from the temptation of fame and fortune. What he cares about is studying the expression language of oil painting art, constantly denying himself and constantly surpassing himself. From early realistic romanticism to recent concrete expressionism, Shen Yong's art style has been constantly changing. He has never stopped in his past successes.

沈勇,《玩家 小城系列NO.4》,15cm×13cm,2022年

Shen Yong, "Player Town Series NO.4", 15cm x 13cm, 2022

In fact, painters don't need to be eloquent, just look at their works. Shen Yong's works are the same, and everyone loves them so much. He is because his paintings always touch people's hearts.


Shen Yong, "Avenue de Paris Opera House", 60cm x 60cm, 2023

Whether intentional or unintentional, a person's achievements are always closely related to their era. We believe that Shanghai painter Shen Yong's works will undoubtedly be a synchronous artistic symbol and pride in the development process of Shanghai, an international metropolis that embraces all rivers.

Director of Huacui Contemporary Art Museum

Yang Yijia

June 2024

沈勇,《汉密尔顿 世界著名画家NO.7》,23m×23cm,2022年

Shen Yong, "Hamilton's World Famous Painter NO.7", 23m x 23cm, 2022


Shen Yong, "Sketches of Characters"


Shen Yong, "Street View Sketches"


Shen Yong, "Sketching"


Shen Yong, "Sketching"


Shen Yong, "Street View Sketches"

沈勇 中国美术家协会会员 / 上海美术家协会会员 / 上海美术家协会油画艺委会委员

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