
Fotografiska 影像艺术中心

活动时间:2024-06-22 至 2024-10-07


“我们的出发点是个体生命和其知觉流。意识本身就是一个迷宫般的结构,其中包含了感知、记忆和幻想,相互交织在一起。原则上,一切都已经存在:整个宇宙在有限的单体的具体生活中得以映射呈现。我们的巴洛克轨迹将是一个展开的过程。是的,马可·布拉姆贝拉 (Marco Brambilla) 的极多主义拼贴作品在吉尔·德勒兹所定义的准确意义上是巴洛克的创作。他的作品《天国之门》也不例外,不断延展的逻辑不仅指图像,也意指其中所包含的艺术形式和学科。电影空间与舞台实践、建筑想象、城市化和生态探索相融合,宇宙学向虚拟世界的探索敞开了大门。”

—— 丹尼尔·伯恩鲍姆 (Daniel Birnbaum) 在《马可·布拉姆贝拉迷宫的迷宫》(Marco Brambilla’s Labyrinth of Labyrinths) 中写道。

Heaven’s Gate, 2021, 8K color video ©️Marco Brambilla


2024年6月22日,Fotografiska 将呈现他在中国的首次个展《双重呈现》,带领观众踏上一段引人思考的旅程,探索流行文化的边界。

"双重呈现"的取名作为一种怀旧实践回应了电影行业一个已消失的现象:不同于现在的单片放映,而是连续放映两部影片的传统。本次展览将展示艺术家的两件代表性的作品,布拉姆贝拉《Megaplex》系列 (名称源自另一个原电影术语 "Multiplex" ——指多屏幕电影院) 的两件作品:《天堂之门》(2022年) 和《王者尺度》(2023年),展现了其视觉叙事和数字艺术呈现的功底。

Heaven’s Gate, 2021, 8K color video ©️Marco Brambilla

“Our point of departure is the individual living being and its perceptual flows. Consciousness is a maze-like structure in itself — with perception, memory and fantasy nested into each other. In principle it’s all there already: the universe as a whole is present mirrored in the finite monad’s embodied life. Our Baroque trajectory will be one of unfolding. Yes, Marco Brambilla’s maximalist collages are Baroque creations in the precise sense defined by Gilles Deleuze. His most recent work, Heaven’s Gate, is no exception. The logic of expansion pertains not only to the imagery but also to artforms and disciplines. Cinematic space blends with choreographic practice, architectural imagination, urbanistic and ecological explorations. Cosmology opens up to excursion into the virtual.“

—— 'Marco Brambilla’s Labyrinth of Labyrinths', Daniel Birnbaum

Heaven’s Gate, 2021, 8K color video ©️Marco Brambilla

Marco Brambilla is a London-based artist known for his elaborate recontextualization of popular and found imagery, as well as his pioneering use of digital imaging technologies in video installation and art.

Fotografiska Shanghai will present his debut solo show in China, DOUBLE FEATURE, inviting audiences on a thought-provoking journey to explore the boundaries of pop culture, from June 22nd 2024.

Double Feature echoes the nostalgic practice of a long discontinued motion picture industry phenomenon; the programming of two films instead of the modern single-feature screening. The exhibition unveils two extraordinary pieces that showcase Brambilla's mastery of visual storytelling and digital art through his Megaplex series (derived from another old film term - "Multiplex" for movie complexes with multiple screens); Heaven’s Gate (2022) and King Size (2023).

Marco Brambilla Potrait


布拉姆贝拉曾展出多件公共艺术装置,包括在纽约世贸中心 Oculus 的《楼梯下的裸体3号》,在拉斯维加斯"球幕"展出的《天堂之门》,以及在纽约时代广场的"午夜时刻"系列中的《阿波罗18号》(2015年)和《模拟乌托邦》(2024年)。

Marco Brambilla is a London-based artist known for his elaborate recontextualization of popular and found imagery, as well as his pioneering use of digital imaging technologies in video installation and art.

Brambilla’s work has been internationally exhibited and is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim Museum (New York); San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Perez Museum (Miami) among many others. Brambilla has presented several public art installations, including his Nude Descending Staircase No.3 presented at the Oculus world trade center in New York, Heaven’s Gate presented at The Sphere in Las Vegas, and presentations at New York Times Square’s Midnight Moment series of both Apollo XVIII in 2015, and The Approximations of Utopia in 2024.

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