

活动时间:2024-05-22 至 2024-10-09



光社荣幸呈现德国艺术家卡婷卡·柏克(Katinka Bock)在中国的首场个展"NIKOS",展出艺术家自2015年至今的逾30件摄影和影像作品,以及数件为此次展览全新创作的雕塑作品。




Light Society is delighted to announce the German artist Katinka Bock's first solo exhibition in China, titled 'NIKOS', featuring almost 30 pieces of her photographic works since 2015, along with newly commissioned sculptures produced specifically for this exhibition.

Most of Bock's photographic works were taken in domestic, urban or natural environments, demonstrating the artist’s 'sculptural view' on objects, spaces, bodies, and life. Her creative drive for image-making often stems from keen observations of the characteristics of forms or relationships. Like her sculptures, Bock's photography is spontaneous, focused on capturing the vitality of the world, and freeing images from excessive control or overly intensive objectives. At the same time, Bock always conceives her exhibitions based on the idea of space, fostering interactions and couplets between both mental and physical ones. By stimulating the potential of materials, found objects, and images, she evokes emotions and contemplation in the audience.

The exhibition is curated by Damien Zhang, director of Aranya Art Center, and supported by Galerie Jocelyn Wolff and Ambassade de France en Chine as part of the 'Croisement 60' programme. The exhibition will open to the public from May 22nd, to October 8th, 2024.

卡婷卡·柏克(Katinka Bock)出生于1976年的法兰克福。从2001年开始,她居住在柏林及巴黎两地。


柏克曾参与过大量的艺术驻地项目,包括在法国、美国、德国和意大利的美地奇庄园(罗马,2012-2013)。在2012年,她获得保乐力加企业基金会杰出艺术家奖。在2015年,她获得西班牙博坦基金会的视觉艺术奖。她也被提名马塞尔·杜尚奖并获得法国 1% Marché de l'art 奖。

从2003年开始,她在国际范围内参与了数量众多的群展与个展,包括近期的《中暑》( Der Sonnenstich), 保乐力加基金会,巴黎,2023;《一些和任意,稍纵即逝》(Some and Any, Fleeting), 卡恩艺术馆,巴塞尔,瑞士,2022;《普通人》(Common People), La Loge 画廊,布鲁塞尔,2022;《日志》(Logbook), Artium 美术馆,维多利亚·嘉斯泰士,西班牙,2021;Rauschen, 凯斯特纳协会展览馆,汉诺威,德国,2020;Landumland, 马塞尔·杜尚奖,蓬皮杜艺术中心,巴黎,法国,2019;Tumulte à Higiénopolis, 拉法耶企业基金会,巴黎,法国,2019;Avalanche, Pivô 画廊,圣保罗,巴西,2019;《T-Toxic》, 乔斯林·沃尔夫画廊,巴黎,法国,2019;《明日雕塑》(Tomorrow’s Sculpture), 当代艺术机构三部项目,法国维勒班、卢森堡Mudam、瑞士 Winterthur 美术馆,2018-2019;《百里挑一》(One of Hundred), FalseFront 画廊,俄勒冈州,美国,2017;40 Räuber, MAMCO, 日内瓦,瑞士,2013-2014;施图加特美术馆,德国,2010;Pastificio Cerere 基金会,罗马,意大利。

Katinka Bock was born in 1976 in Frankfurt am Main. Since 2001, she lives and works between Berlin and Paris.

Katinka Bock has a predilection for modest and natural materials like terracotta, wood, plaster, ceramic, leather and fabric. With a sort of delicate simplicity, she often associates these materials to found objects. For the artist, used materials hold a sense of something beyond their materiality. They are provocative because of the way in which they evoke deep, immediate emotions that precede conceptualisation. In her practice, Bock invests in the exhibition spaces and conceives her works in resonance. Just the same, she crafts a mental space in her work to subtly invite spectator to reflect.

Katinka Bock has been selected for artist residencies in France, USA, Germany and Italy at the Villa Medici, Rome in 2012-2013. In 2012 she was winner of the prestigious Fondation d’entreprise Ricard prize, France. In 2015 she received the Visual Arts Grant of the Fundación Botín, Spain. She was nominated for the Prix Marcel Duchamp, France, and won the Prix de production 1% Marché de l'art, France.

Since 2003 she has participated in a number of group exhibitions and had numerous personal exhibition internationally, including recently : Der Sonnenstich, Fondation Pernod Ricard, Paris, 2023; Some and Any, Fleeting, Cahn Kunstraum, Basel, Switzerland, 2022; Common People, La Loge, Brussels, Belgium, 2022; Logbook, Artium Museum, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 2021; Rauschen, Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover, Germany, 2020; Landumland, Prix Marcel Duchamp, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 2019; Tumulte à Higiénopolis, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris, France, 2019; Avalanche, Pivô, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2019; T-Toxic, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris, France, 2019; Tomorrow's Sculpture, a three parts project at Institut d'Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France, Mudam, Luxemburg, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, in 2018-2019; One of Hundred, FalseFront, Portland Oregon, USA, 2017; 40 Räuber, MAMCO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013-2014; at the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany, 2010; and at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome, Italy.

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