

活动时间:2024-06-28 至 2024-09-01





毕业于南京艺术学院,获硕士学位,一级美术师,深圳大学喻继高中国工笔画研究院客座教授,中国美术批评家年会学术委员,广东省美术家协会会员,广东省中国画学会会员,深圳市美术家协会理事,深圳市青年美术家协会副会长,现供职于深圳美术馆。近年来所创作的美术作品曾在中国美术馆、韩国大邱美术馆、关山月美术馆、深圳美术馆等机构展出,出版个人画册《游江当代水墨作品集》与《学余艺术·游江作品集》。数十篇论文发表于国内艺术类专业刊物,撰写《构念的剧场》、《中国艺术经典》、《中华美术百年》、《从物到人·美术馆公共教育项目的探索与实践》等著作。近年策划的展览有:“迁徙——中国当代艺术展”“见字如晤 纸短情长——深圳美术馆典藏现代书画艺术大家信札暨精品展”“关系——2021中国当代艺术邀请展”“法模·心范——2019中国当代艺术邀请展”“观·照——2018深圳美术馆当代影像展”“透镜——2017中国当代艺术邀请展”“城市·梦想——深圳地铁美术馆系列展”“第九届深圳国际水墨双年展·鹏城墨韵专题展”“温度——2015当代艺术邀请展”“眼与心——2015中国当代联觉实验艺术展”“城怀味象——2014中国当代艺术邀请展”“拟像的碎片——中国当代艺术邀请展”“再历史——中国当代艺术邀请展”等。其中,2016年策划的“城市记忆”深圳地铁美术馆项目获得深圳市文体旅游局2016年度创新奖;“见字如晤 纸短情长——深圳美术馆典藏现代书画艺术大家信札暨精品展”获得2018年中国文化和旅游部年度优秀项目;“城市记忆”、“见字如面”、“讲好深圳故事”系列公教项目分别获得2016、2018、2019年中国文化和旅游部年优秀公共教育项目。“春天的故事”系列公共教育获得2020年中国文化和旅游部年优秀公共教育项目提名。“影像时空——深圳美术馆馆藏影像艺术作品展”获得“2023年度全国美术馆优秀展览提名项目”。




Focusing on local art has always been one of the academic positions of the Shenzhen Art Museum. After decades of development, Shenzhen's art scene has gradually produced a group of artists who have gained significant influence in the industry.

In recent years, the Shenzhen Art Museum has meticulously organized and researched a series of solo exhibitions for renowned local artists. These exhibitions have showcased the talents and achievements of contemporary Shenzhen artists, generating extensive academic influence and enriching the museum's collection with a number of outstanding artworks.

应天齐作为深圳乃至国际上具有一定影响力的当代艺术家,他1949年生,是安徽芜湖人。1998年,调入深圳大学。20世纪70年代以来,他的《西递村系列》等系列作品曾获得中国文化部、中国美协第七届、第八届全国美展铜奖、优秀作品奖,日本—中国版画奖励会金奖,中国美协 80-90 年代版画创作贡献奖。因为艺术创作方面的学术成就和影响力,他还出任中国美协第十二届全国版画展评委。中国安徽省黄山市黟县西递村还因其代表作而闻名于世,成为了联合国教科文组织录入的世界文化遗产地,当地政府亦因其突出的贡献在西递村建成“应天齐西递村艺术馆 ”。2011 年以来他先后参加了第54 届意大利威尼斯艺术双年展、第十三届威尼斯建筑双年展,举办了“世纪遗痕与未来空间”个展,成为了华人艺术界首位以个展进入该展的艺术家,2020年他还参加第17届威尼斯建筑双年展並出任该展的艺术总监。

Ying Tianqi, a contemporary artist with significant influence in both Shenzhen and internationally, was born in 1949 in Wuhu, Anhui. In 1998, he transferred to Shenzhen University.

Since the 1970s, his series of works, including the "Xidi Village Series" have won several prestigious awards. These include the Bronze Award and the Outstanding Works Award at the Seventh and Eighth National Art Exhibitions organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the China Artists Association, the Gold Award at the Japan-China Printmaking Awards, and the Contribution Award for Printmaking Creation in the 1980s and 1990s from the China Artists Association. Due to his academic achievements and influence in the field of artistic creation, he was also appointed as a judge for the Twelfth National Printmaking Exhibition by the China Artists Association.

The village of Xidi in Yixian County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China, has gained world renown due to his representative works and has been designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the local government established the "Ying Tianqi Xidi Village Art Museum" in Xidi.

Since 2011, he has participated in the 54th Venice Biennale and the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale, where he held a solo exhibition titled "Traces of Centuries and Future Steps",becoming the first Chinese artist to have a solo exhibition at the Biennale. In 2020, he also participated in the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale and served as its Artistic Director.


The development of local art in Shenzhen owes much to the diligent efforts of dedicated artists. In recognition of Professor Ying Tianqi's academic achievements and his outstanding contributions to the development of local art in Shenzhen, we are pleased to organize this case study exhibition.

From sketches, gouache, and watercolors to prints, and from videos to installations, this exhibition showcases representative works from various periods over the more than 60-year career of artist Ying Tianqi, with a particular focus on his significant works since the beginning of the new millennium.



Shenzhen Art Museum

June 2024





