

活动时间:2024-07-14 至 2024-10-08


本期展览,作为虹·美术馆首个艺术家驻留项目《游·园》(Tour Garden, 2024)的续章,将呈现冯立在苏州驻留期间的创作,以及过往具有代表性的摄影。这些照片并非沉默的记录,咔嚓声隐匿在日常,无数瞬间成定格,众生万象被浓缩,筑成一座超现实的人间乐园。




This exhibition, as a continuation of Iris Art Museum's first artist residency program, Tour Garden (2024), will present Feng Li's works during his residency in Suzhou, as well as his representative photographs of the past. These photos are not silent records; the sound of snapping is hidden in daily life, countless moments become frozen, and everything that exists is concentrated, building a surreal garden of earthly delights.

Please drift into slumber, as if embarking on a journey through the floating stream of life.

Like Baudelaire's "city wanderer", Feng Li is good at capturing the subtle moments of daily life. Absurd scenes and the use of flash are his iconic photographic language. The intricacy and paradox, the absurdity and reality deeply embedded in human nature appear to be illuminated by an unfaltering beacon. When you walk through these photographic moments, what you see is not only the photographs themselves, but also a variety coincident of reality.

People take on the central role in Feng Li's photographic narrative. Whether within or beyond the frame, they are the protagonists in this visual garden. Over the course of one’s time, the love, hate, and sorrow eventually dissipate like a dream bubbles. Within the confines of a camera lens, fleeting moments are captured as records of life; outside of it, countless instances of helplessness and wonder unfold continuously... Much like the cyclical nature of existence itself—everything comes to an end only to herald a new beginning.

Above Photograph (Copyright © 冯立)

冯立 Feng Li



在获得2017年集美·阿尔勒(Jimei x Arles)国际摄影季颁发的Prix Découverte奖之前,冯立用了12年的业余时间持续拍照。他非常善于在寻常的现实中发现不寻常的超现实,并能把他的独特感受传达给观者。一旦他发现目标趋向于“真相”,他就会靠近它,用闪光灯凝固那一刻。

系列作品《白夜》被国内外艺术机构和艺术品藏家广泛关注和收藏,并被重要艺术媒体报道如THE WHITE REVIEW杂志、FISHIEYE杂志,美国光圈杂志、日本IMA摄影杂志、瑞士ELSE杂志、纽约时报、LARRYS LIST等。近年来他活跃于国际时尚摄影领域,拍摄了英国著名艺术类时尚杂志SYETEM、德国032C杂志、RE-EDTION杂志,美国VOGUE杂志、THE FACE杂志等,并于2019年为Louis Vuitton创作“Fashion Eye:Paris”系列作品。