
ArtDepot 艺术仓库

活动时间:2024-08-10 至 2024-09-15



In this world, transcending requires first acknowledging that time is not linear, but rather an intricate web. Paint is spread wantonly, occasionally dripping down, seeking to entwine the swiftly leaping rays of light. Yet, light resists being ensnared; it must continue to illuminate those who dance. These are the individuals who strive to break free from all constraints, their sole aspiration being to become eternal transcender with free will.


Creating mental images is the duty of these transcenders. These images are the remnants of time, fragments of memory, the paths of light beams, and the mottled traces of color. The narratives and emotions recorded within them are repeatedly awakened by the media that bear them, thus gaining a pulsating life force. Consequently, echoes of history, omens of the future, and reflections of reality converge here, absorbed, assimilated, and digested by those who transcend.


The leaps of time also redefine space. Each shape segmented by light and color transforms into an independent world. Space is no longer the restrictive frame of forms but an infinitely proliferating structure. Various ancient, novel, and incredible elements are integrated here with new meanings, reconstructed as vivid events in the contemporary living space. The boundaries and barriers between tradition and modernity, the classical and the popular, the East and the West, become blurred.


In the exhibition "Transcendence", Luo Dan epitomizes the devout transcender, murmuring about his journeys and experiences. These words eventually condense into visual texts through repeated experimentation with media. The content is continually analyzed, deconstructed, and then archived as collective memory, inviting viewers to browse, recall, and ponder.

2023-052-3 100x100cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2023年

miura-3 100x100cm 钢板综合绘画 Comprehensive Painting on Steel Plate 2024年

2024-524-1 120x120cm 钢板综合绘画 Comprehensive Painting on Steel Plate 2024年

罗 丹

1981 生于中国重庆

2004 毕业于四川美术学院油画系, 2007 毕业于四川美术学院油画系研究生,

现任四川美术学院副教授,上海美术学院在读博士德国卡塞尔美术学院,威尔斯 卡迪夫美术学院,意大利佛罗伦萨大学,意大利佛罗伦萨美术学院,访问学者。

1981 Born in Chonqging, China

2004 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

2007 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Master of Art

He is currently an Associate Professor at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, a doctoral student atShanghai Academy of Fine Arts, and a visiting scholar at the Kunsthochschule Kassel (KhK), University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, University of Florence, and Florence National Academy ofFine Arts of Italy.