白水 · 蓝色地平线之下展览


活动时间:2024-09-07 至 2024-10-05



On September 7th, the exhibition "Beneath Azure Horizons" by the artist Bai Shui will be unveiled at The Harrods Tea Rooms . Bai Shui paints transcendent oceanic dreams, inviting you to embark on a profound encounter of the spirit and colors.


Hymn of the Ocean


I gaze upon the boundless undulations, as if nature's own verses, narrating the legend of the sea. Beneath the waves lies the ocean's depths.


Al绘画/艺术微喷印刷/ 综合材料



The artist BAI SHUI paints a magical underwater world, where the myriad colors of coral act as guardians of this mysterious realm. In this deep blue expanse, sea anemones sway with their soft tendrils, resembling ethereal forest elves gracefully dancing. Waves crash against the rocks, creating a deafening roar - a symphony of the sea. Each impact stirs up white foam, as if the sea's elves are trippingly waltzing. The sea breeze gently carries the salty, moist air. Closing one's eyes, one can almost feel the power of the thousand waves, constantly washing over the soul, allowing one to experience the grandeur and strength of nature.


Beneath the Horizon


Artist BAI SHUI brings these secrets before us, revealing how deep and expansive the sea truly is. It embraces everything and nurtures all.


Al绘画/艺术微喷印刷/ 综合材料



Simultaneously, the artist uses the power and allure of art to depict a mysterious world "beneath the horizon," allowing us to feel the beauty and grandeur of the sea. Each viewing deepens our understanding and reverence for the ocean.


The Beauty of Collage


BAI SHUI's latest creation applies the art form of collage, pioneered by the renowned artists Picasso and Braque, where tangible objects are affixed onto the canvas, aiming to break the two-dimensional plane of painting and create a visual effect of spatial illusion. BAI SHUI's digital collage works typically blend elements of classic and contemporary, Eastern and Western aesthetics, constructing intricate visual narrative networks. This art form not only enriches the means of artistic creation but also offers the audience a fresh visual experience.


Al绘画/艺术微喷印刷/ 综合材料


此外,艺术家白水的Madame Figaro费加罗封面故事——《白水,如水般流动》将于9月5日发售。这个金九,注定是波澜壮阔的艺术之月,费加罗杂志将引领我们更深入地探索艺术家内心的浩瀚海洋。敬请期待这场艺术与灵感的金秋盛宴!

Furthermore, the cover story of Madame Figaro Mode featuring the artist BAI SHUI - "BAI SHUI, Fluid Like Water" - is set to be released on September 5th. This Golden September is destined to be a month of grand artistic endeavors, where Madame Figaro will lead us to delve even deeper into the vast ocean of BAI SHUI's inner world. The autumnal feast of art is coming soon. Stay tunned!

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