

活动时间:2024-09-15 至 2024-10-15




‘The Pine-Soughing Valleys—Art Exhibition of Pine Theme from the Liu Haisu Art Museum Collection’ will be presented from September 15, 2024 to October 15, 2024.





The study of traditional Chinese image is the entry point to exploring the source and inheriting the foundation of Chinese culture, and it is also a crucial method for promoting and activating the innovative development of traditional Chinese culture. As one of the representatives of the Three Friends of Winter: pine, bamboo and plum, Liu Haisu Art Museum formed a series of exhibitions based on these three traditional Chinese images, and this exhibition, ‘The Pine-Soughing Valleys—Art Exhibition of Pine Theme from the Liu Haisu Art Museum Collection’ is the second exhibition of this series. A total of 20 pine-themed ancient paintings and 19 Liu Haisu pine-themed paintings are displayed in this exhibition, which is the most concentrated demonstration and research of pine-themed works in the collections since the opening of the Liu Haisu Art Museum.

刘海粟《临古山水》1944 年 纸本国画125.4×32.8cm

Liu Haisu,'Imitation of Ancient Landscape Painting',1944,Ink on paper,125.4×32.8cm

倪瓒《溪山春霁图》元代 纸本国画 117.4×41.3cm

Ni Zan,'Spring Mountain after Rain',Yuan Dynasty,Ink on paper,117.4×41.3cm


As one of the representatives of the Chinese classical image, pine represents deep thinking beyond the surface in traditional Chinese thought. The aim of this exhibition is not only to display and interpret traditional Chinese images but also to inspire audiences to look back at the source of traditional images and reflect on the spirit of traditional culture, thereby exploring the significance of traditional culture in a contemporary context, finding the original intention of culture, strengthening cultural confidence from the origin and spiritual deposits of Chinese culture, and activating the vitality of traditional Chinese culture with the spirit of the present.


This exhibition takes the Liu Haisu Art Museum collection’s pine theme works throughout history and selected pine theme works of Liu Haisu as the main clue, combing with multiple contemporary pine theme works created according to the exhibition theme, to showcase contemporary artists' understanding of Chinese traditional classical images and the contemporary appearance of Chinese traditional expression. From Ni Zan to Liu Haisu, from painting to multiple materials, from historical to contemporary, this exhibition intends to demonstrate the similarity and individual diversity of plum blossoms in the works of various artists from multiple angles, presenting the inheritance and changes of imagery expression.




戈阳王孙《马》1575年 绢本国画 82.7×35.3cm

Ge Yang Wang Sun,'Horses',1575,Ink and colour on silk,82.7×35.3cm

华嵒 《春山图》清代 绢本国画 129.1×61.6cm

Hua Yan,'Spring Mountains',Qing Dynasty,Ink and colour on silk, 129.1×61.6cm

梅清《白龙潭图》清代 纸本国画 133.4×38cm

Mei Qing,'White Dragon Pond',Qing Dynasty,Ink and colour on paper,133.4×38cm

王昱《万壑松风图》清代 纸本国画 112.4×29.2cm

Wang Yu,'Pine-Soughing Valleys',Qing Dynasty,Ink on paper,112.4×29.2cm




刘海粟《如松常青,如水常流》1932 纸本国画 134.8x66.9cm

Liu Haisu,'Like Pines Evergreen, Like Water Everflowing',1932,Ink and colour on paper,134.8x66.9cm

刘海粟《松鹰图》1978 纸本国画 136x67.6cm

Liu Haisu,'Pine and Eagle',1978,Ink on paper,136x67.6cm

刘海粟《石笋矼云松》1983 纸本国画 97.5x52.3cm

Liu Haisu,'The Clouds and Pines of Stone Bamboo Shoot Ridge',1983,Ink and colour on paper,97.5x52.3cm

刘海粟《黄岳人字瀑》1982 纸本国画 128.4x64.2cm

Liu Haisu,'Ren-Character-Shaped Waterfall of the Yellow Mountain',1982,Ink and colour on paper,128.4x64.2cm

刘海粟《黄山》1935 布面油画 55x46cm

Liu Haisu,'The Yellow Mountain',1935,Oil on canvas,55x46cm

刘海粟《散花坞云海奇观》1982 布面油画 59x80cm

Liu Haisu,'Scattered Flower Valley',1982,Oil on canvas,59x80cm




杨正新《不老松》2024 纸本国画 96x178cm

Yang Zhengxing,'Everlasting Pine',2024,Ink and colour on paper,96x178cm

沈雪江《万物静观皆自得》2024 纸本国画 60x184cm

Shen Xuejiang,'Observing the Universe with a Calm Mind',2024,Ink and colour on paper,60x184cm

陈翔《石涛诗意图》2024 纸本国画 50x120cm

Chen Xiang,'Poetic Painting in Tribute to Shi Tao',2024,Ink and colour on paper,50x120cm

魏立刚《云壤黑岩虬龙图》2024 纸本国画 250x125cm

Wei Ligang,'Cloud Soil Black Rock Dragon',2024,Ink and colour on paper,250x125cm

黄阿忠《庭中松》2024 纸本国画 140x68cm

Huang Azhong,'Pine in the Courtyard',2024,Ink and colour on paper,140x68cm

车鹏飞《墨松》2024 纸本国画 138x40cm

Che Pengfei,'Ink Pine',2024,Ink and colour on paper,138x40cm

李言《盘龙图》2024 纸本国画 136x68cm

Li Yan,'Coiled Dragon',2024,Ink and colour on paper,136x68cm

王波《信物》2024 布面油画 200x150cm

Wang Bo,'Token',2024,Oil on canvas,200x150cm

陈量《松之裳》2024 多种材料

Chen Liang,'The Clothes of Pine',2024,Multiple materials

黄世华《月华》2024 绢本国画 212x156cm

Huang Shihua,'The Glory of the Moon',2024,Oil on silk,212x156cm

甘永川《栾华》2024纸本国画 55x101cm

Gan Yongchuan,'Goldenrain Tree',2024,Ink and colour on paper,55x101cm