

活动时间:2024-09-21 至 2024-11-03


珀德画廊荣幸宣布将于2024年9月21日在上海画廊空间举办代理艺术家文彩银(Mun Chaeeun)的最新个展“在平静与纷扰之间”。本次展览是文彩银在珀德画廊亮相的第二场个展,作品延续「I’m not Fine」系列的创作风格,集中呈现艺术家近两年的一系列全新画作,将微风吹拂下的“女孩”作为表达内心压抑情绪的景观,描绘展示每个人内心深处难以宣泄又不得排遣的情感冲突。展览将持续至11月3日。

Bird Gallery is honored to announce the opening of its represented artist Mun Chaeeun's latest solo exhibition "Between Silence & Noise" on September 21, 2024, at the gallery space in Shanghai. This exhibition marks Mun Chaeeun's second solo show at Bird Gallery, continuing the creative style of "I'm not Fine" series. It presents a collection of new paintings from the artist's work over the past two years, using "girl" under a gentle breeze as a landscape to express suppressed inner emotions, depicting the emotional conflicts deep within everyone that are difficult to release yet impossible to dispel. The exhibition will last until November 3.

Each One's Hill

文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

180 x 150 cm, 2024

Courtesy the Artist

文彩银作品中的“女孩”形象始于2021年开始创作的「I’m not Fine」系列,画面里的“女孩”并非是真正的女孩。那时她画老年模特,尝试将人的头部放大,让老年模特看起来像孩子一样。从这种形式中,她发现了创意和乐趣,这一独特的描绘方式随后成为她接下来创作的核心。

“女孩”描绘了成年人内心的孩童和孩子的纯真,巧妙构成了kidult (Kid + Adult)组合,一方面象征着人在成长过程中保持纯洁与真诚的愿望,另一方面也代表了成年人心中的纯真与情感。画中的“女孩”形象,夸张放大的头部与微表情强化了情感的重量,揭露出每个人内心深处流淌却难以宣泄的情感冲突。同时她以风为喻,解放治愈那些被压抑的情感,虽置身外界无尽的纷扰,但最终能抵达内心的平静,邀请观众共情其中获得慰藉。

The "girl" image in Mun Chaeeun's work originated from "I'm not Fine" series that she began creating in 2021. The "girls" in the paintings are not actual girls. At that time, she was painting elderly models, attempting to enlarge their heads to make the older models look childlike. From this form, she discovered creativity and enjoyment, and this unique depiction method became the core of her subsequent creations.

The "girl" depicts the inner child and innocence within adults, cleverly forming a "kidult" (Kid + Adult) combination. On one hand, it symbolizes the desire to maintain purity and sincerity in the process of growing up, and on the other hand, it represents the innocence and emotions in the hearts of adults. The "girl" image in the paintings, with exaggerated enlarged heads and subtle expressions, intensifies the weight of emotions, revealing the emotional conflicts that flow deep within everyone but are hard to express. At the same time, she uses wind as a metaphor to liberate and heal those suppressed emotions. Although surrounded by endless external chaos, one can ultimately reach inner peace, inviting viewers to empathize and find solace within.

Between silence & noise

文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

180 x 100 cm, 2024

Courtesy the Artist

Moment in the Breeze

文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

120 x 60 cm (2 of Total 6), 2024

Courtesy the Artist

Silent Story

文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

50 x 50 cm x 2, 2024

Courtesy the Artist


文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

20 x 30 cm, 2024

Courtesy the Artist

I'm not Fine

文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

60 x 90 cm, 2024

Courtesy the Artist

I'm not Fine

文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

60 x 90 cm, 2024

Courtesy the Artist

文彩银 MUN Chaeeun

出生于韩国。本科毕业于韩国明知大学校, 研究生毕业于中国美术学院。现工作生活于韩国。作品被震旦博物馆收藏。



Inside My Garage, ONEsGALLERY, Boston, USA

Setup 安装!, 上海明圆美术馆,上海

未尽之言, 上海震旦博物馆, 上海

电子羊会梦见仿生人吗, 珀德画廊, 上海


Well Cold, Moosey London, 英国伦敦


I'M NOT FINE, 珀德空间, 上海

回响, 湖州美术馆, 浙江湖州

回响, 杰铭画廊, 上海


同维度, 全国高等艺术学院当代绘画艺术展, 上海

第九届“繁星计划”, 树美术馆, 北京


视觉潜意识 Vision Subconscious, 浦东库伯美术馆, 上海

功夫武侠, SeeYoo Gallery, 浙江杭州


l, Gagosipo Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Summer Vibe, Salon de Amaz, Seoul, Korea

All, Gagosipo Gallery, Seoul, Korea

¥ 34
¥ 34
¥ 34