

活动时间:2024-09-21 至 2024-10-31


1690艺术收藏空间联手BANK画廊共同呈现八位国内外年轻艺术家的作品,他们的作品或体现沉浸独处世界的时刻。如王亮杰(Alvin Ong)的作品表现了一个都市青年在一天中的私人、日常或亲密的不同时刻;或是对传统绘画媒介的挑战,如安德鲁·查普曼(Andrew Chapman)“滑动”系列中的《自由奔跑》,他奇妙地切割了画布,并安装了卡扣,把作品伪装成其它画作的包装盒,这种介于暗示与现实之间的作品也是如今对绘画本质的回应;林科的《PS猫》来自其“天空绘画”系列,灵感来源于对电子化图象世界的物理探索,Photoshop作为一种在电子化的图像与真实之间的界面,制造出一种光学无线接近物质化图层的探索。耿旖旎、帕亚诺(Miguel Ángel Payano Jr.)和文爵的作品都用异形和立体绘画雕塑的方式,探索故乡、个人与社会和漫画世界的联系。柯好理(Tim Crowley)的作品,用“未来海报绘画”浪漫地表达了一句对生活的诗歌式的回应。


王亮杰 Alvin Ong

After You

布面油画 Oil on canvas

250 x 600cm



王亮杰(1988 年生于新加坡,目前在新加坡和伦敦生活和工作)毕业于英国牛津大学罗斯金艺术学院(2016 年)和英国伦敦皇家艺术学院(2018 年)。他的画作以超现实的身体构图,俏皮地捕捉当代世界的平凡时刻,将不同的视觉语汇巧妙地结合在一起。通过日常生活的小插曲,普世的语汇被转化为一个奇观的场所,一个好奇的柜子,观众被卷入其中,在浮光掠影中窥视。

他的作品曾在新加坡美术馆(2007 年、2012 年、2013 年)、新加坡亚洲文明博物馆(2010 年)、新加坡霹雳博物馆(2015 年)、英国北安普顿当代美术馆(2017 年)、英国国家肖像画廊(2018 年)和英国皇家艺术学院(2019 年)展出。他的公共收藏包括:Sunpride基金会(香港)、土生华人博物馆(新加坡)、大华银行收藏(新加坡)、ILHAM画廊(马来西亚)、X美术馆(中国)、复星基金会(中国)、英格拉姆收藏(英国)和V&A博物馆版画收藏(英国伦敦),并在全球各地拥有众多私人藏家。

Alvin Ong(b. 1988, Singapore, currently lives and works in Singapore and London) is a graduate of the Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford, UK (2016) and the Royal College of Art, London, UK (2018). His paintings playfully capture quotidian moments of our contemporary world in surreal bodily compositions, playfully combining diverse visual vocabularies. Through vignettes of everyday life, the vocabulary of the mundane is transformed into a site of spectacle, a cabinet of curiosities in which audiences are implicated as flaneur and voyeur.

His works have been exhibited at the Singapore Art Museum (2007, 2012, 2013), Asian Civilizations Museum, Singapore (2010), Peranakan Museum, Singapore (2015), Northampton Contemporary, UK (2017), National Portrait Gallery, UK (2018), and Royal Academy of Arts, UK (2019). His works are collected by the Sunpride Foundation (Hong Kong), Peranakan Museum (Singapore), UOB Collection (Singapore), ILHAM Gallery (Malaysia), X Museum (China), Fosun Foundation (China), the Ingram Collection (UK), and the Victoria & Albert Museum, Print Collection (London, UK); and in numerous private collections worldwide.

柯好理 Tim Crowley

无题 Untitled

布面油画 Oil on canvas

160 × 120 cm


柯好理的绘画打造了一则来自未来的虚假展讯,他的作品取材于其在全球当代艺术行业中的长期深入参与。柯好理(1972年, 出生于英国)在中国北京生活和工作。作为一名艺术家,柯好理在他漫长的职业生涯中还扮演了许多其他角色,包括策展人、艺术空间总监、教育家、艺术杂志编辑和纪录片制作人。这些角色将他带到全世界各地,也见证了他与这个行业内最优秀的人的共事和合作。他曾在纽约的White Columns 画廊和米兰的 Tema Celeste 杂志工作;他自2016年起担任北京KWM艺术中心的国际总监以及慕尼黑 Kino Der Kunst 亚洲部分的策展人。

在他最新的一系列画作中,他取材于自己丰富的经验,以及反讽性的敏感,为当代艺术展览的未来走向创作了一篇近乎玩笑的论文。柯好理的作品曾在深圳OCAT双年展,巴西 Mercosul 双年展、米兰的 Perimeter Editions以及北京中央美术学院美术馆展出。柯好理的作品被南京德基美术馆、杭州天目里美术馆及其他收藏。

Tim Crowley's paintings craft a misleading exhibition announcement in future. His work is marked by his intensive and long involvement with all aspects of the global contemporary art industry.

Tim Crowley (b.1972, England) lives and works in Beijing, China. Practicing foremost as an artist Crowley has also played many other roles throughout his long career. These roles has taken him to the far reaches of the earth and has seen him work with some of the best in the field. In his latest series of paintings he draws from his vast experience, as well as his satirical sensibilities to create a tongue-in-cheek dissertation on the possible future of contemporary art exhibitions. Crowley’s work has been showcased at the OCAT Shenzhen Biennial, Mercosul Biennale, Brazil, Perimeter Editions in Milan, as well as at the Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. Crowley’s work is in the collection of the De Ji Museum, Nanjing; By Art Matters, Hangzhou among other prestigious collections.

耿旖旎 Geng Yini

乞力马扎罗的宝藏 Treasure in Kilimanjaro

布面油画 Oil on canvas

237 x 120 cm




Geng’s gooey paintings with their manifold surfaces and schizophrenic narratives are a testimony to our interactive computer lives where we simultaneously dance between multiple windows, looking and covering, pointing at past and future. What the total sum of ingredients in her uncanny works may mean is not the point; it is the lighthearted celebration of unbridled plurality that gives Geng’s work its edge.

Geng Yini (b.1982, Shenyang) is graduate of Lu Xun Academy and now lives and works in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Her work has been featured in solo exhibitions at BANK for four times since 2013, and K11 Art Village, Wuhan in 2018, and chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai in 2017. She has also shown in numerous venues including 55 Venice Biannual Collateral Event, Venice; chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai; MoCA Shanghai, Today Museum, Beijing; and Blue Top Museum in Chengdu, etc. Her work is in the collection of White Rabbit Collection, Uli Sigg, chi K11 Art Museum and Beijing Times Museum, among many others.

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