
H Gallery

活动时间:2024-10-01 至 2024-10-30


H Gallery将于2024年10月1日欣然呈现艺术家施政(MAX-GPS)个展「星宇心愿」Stars and Universe, Soul and Wishes。此次展览是施政老师在H Gallery时隔两年再度展出,与美籍策展人孟生(Rory Mencin)一起呈现他近年来的创作探索与艺术思考,展览将持续至2024年10月30。

H Gallery is pleased to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of artist MAX-GPS, titled "Stars and Universe, Soul and Wishes," set to open on October 1, 2024. This exhibition marks MAX-GPS's significant return to H Gallery after two years, presenting a curated selection of his latest artistic explorations and reflections. With American curator, Rory Mencin, the exhibition will offer viewers a profound insight into the artist's creative journey. "Stars and Universe, Soul and Wishes" will be on display until October 30, 2024. We invite you to join us in experiencing this unique artistic endeavor.

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

是什么促使人类精神去探索,超越平凡,寻求新的视野?对我们许多人来说,这种崇高的野心始于最简单的例行公事 —— 早上喝杯咖啡。施政(MAX GPS)将这种日常仪式转化为艺术表达的燃料,用他每天的咖啡残留物作为发射台,探索一个由泥土纹理、色调和创造性形式组成的广阔宇宙。从这个意义上说,这些作品反映了隐藏在平凡中的美,以及我们经常忽视和丢弃的潜力。宇航员是 MAX GPS 作品中反复出现的人物,他探索遥远的星系不是为了征服和控制它们,而是为了寻求和理解。
What fuels the human spirit to explore, to push beyond the ordinary, and to seek new horizons? For many of us, such lofty ambitions start with the simplest of routines—a morning cup of coffee. MAX GPS transforms this everyday ritual into fuel for artistic expression, using his daily coffee residue as a launching pad to explore a vast universe of earthy textures, tones, and creative forms. In this sense, it highlights the beauty hidden in the ordinary and the potential in what we often overlook and discard. The astronaut, a recurring figure throughout MAX GPS’s body of work, isn’t exploring far-off galaxies to conquer and control them, but to seek and understand.

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

通过他们的头盔,我们被邀请以新鲜的眼光看一就像孩子一样一在我们的日常生活和互动中寻找奇迹、想象力和无限的待世界一潜力。虽然永恒荣耀的承诺可能会提供为许多火箭飞船(和自我)提供燃料的石油,但其他人是由一个更无辜的动机驱动的:好奇心。施政(MAX GPS)就是这样一个人。

Through their helmet, we are invited to view the world with fresh eyes—just as a child might—finding wonder, imagination, and limitless potential in our everyday routines and interactions.And while the promise of eternal glory may provide the oil that fuels many rocket ships (and egos), others are driven by a more innocent motive: curiosity. MAX GPS is one such individual.

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

咖啡画 Coffee Stain on paper

38*38 cm

施政(MAX-GPS),上海文广传媒集团资深记者,《上海电视》周刊明星摄影师,视觉艺术家和策展人。作品多次在国内外展出,参与并策划一系列公共空间的互动艺术创作项目。他曾在挪威、丹麦、德国、英国、澳大利亚等地进行公共空间艺术创作,并参加过许多涂鸦艺术节,包括哥本哈根"Meeting of Styles Copenhagen" 艺术节和欧洲最大的涂鸦艺术节"Upfest - The Urban Paint Festival",策划多届上海国际艺术节的公共空间“慧画无限”的街区涂鸦互动活动。

MAX-GPS, senior reporter of Shanghai Media Group (SMG), renowned photographer of weekly periodical In Shanghai, visual artist and curator. His works have been exhibited in China and abroad, and he has participated in and planned a series of interactive art projects in public spaces. He has created art in public spaces in Norway, Denmark, Germany, England, Australia, etc., and has participated in many graffiti art festivals, including "Meeting of Styles Copenhagen" in Copenhagen and "Upfest - The Urban Paint Festival", the largest graffiti art festival in Europe, planned and curated the interactive street art activities in the public spaces of Shanghai International Art Festival "Hui Hua Infinite".


Game in the Space Garden

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

120*90 cm

孟生是一位艺术评论家、策展人,以及创意生产工厂 (Idea Production Factoryn, 缩写IPF)的联合创始人,位于成都。 自2018年以来,他在中国的3年期间策划了超过12个展览,并组织了7个与多个公共和私人企业合作的大型项目,合作伙伴包括曼彻斯特中国研究院、法国领事馆、 上海One East、阿狸等多个IP。

孟生专注于改革开放后(1970年代末以来)的中国艺术,致力于为亚洲艺术家在国际舞台上的推广作出更多贡献,并提倡将更多中国艺术家纳入国际艺术体系。 目前,他目前担任OrangeHare.io的全球艺术项目经理,这是一家总部位于首尔和纽约的艺术管理和知识产权公司。

Rory Mencin is an art critic, curator and co-founder of Idea Production Factory, an arts agency based in Chengdu, China. Since 2018, he has planned over 12 exhibitions across China and organized over 7 large-scale projects with multiple public and private enterprises, including the Manchester China Institute, the French Consulate, Ali The Fox, Tiexiangsi Temple, and more.
With a focus on Chinese art post Reform and Opening Up (late 1970s onward), Rory is committed to making more contributions to the international promotion of Asian artists abroad, and advocates for the inclusion of more Chinese artists into the international art cannon. He currently serves as the Global Arts Project Manager for OrangeHare.io, a arts management and IP company based in Seoul and New York City.