
H Gallery

活动时间:2024-10-01 至 2024-11-30


H Gallery将在10月迎来其在M50园区的第二个空间:漆迹 x H Gallery。首场双月展:秘境-灵隐,将由艺术家姜海明和策展人萧斌共同呈现。

H Gallery is set to launch our second gallery in the M50 district this October: Lacquer x H Gallery. The inaugural bi-monthly exhibition: Secret Realm-Lingyin will feature the works of artist Jiang Haiming, curated by Xiao Bin.

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap

直径 Diameter119cm


This exhibition features a new direction in the works of artist Jiang Haiming from recent years. The artist employs intricate and orderly lines, along with vibrant and bright colors, to create a captivating secret realm. Exceptional artists are skilled dream weavers, allowing viewers to engage in a spiritual dialogue between themselves and nature through the artist's creations, drawing on their own experiences and sensations. The artist's approach to dreaming differs from the myriad stories flooding our daily lives through social media; how might the experience of engaging with painting offer a different perspective? This question serves as a guiding thought for the exhibition.

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap

直径Diameter 160cm


The process of viewing the exhibition is also a path to interpretation. In appreciating the paintings, we need not seek a definitive outcome; instead, we can find elements that unlock our own memories—be it a scene, a tree, a color block, or a flowing line. Each person could connect emotions through visual reminiscence. Breaking free from conventional thinking unleashes sensory imagination and creativity, which is the traditional allure of art. Jiang Haiming is an exceptional dream weaver who skillfully navigates traditional aesthetics with contemporary methods.

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap.

160*80cm(180*103 on frame)


The artist presents us with over a dozen different secret realms, featuring dynamic pines swaying in the wild forests and bears peacefully sleeping in the grass. Each scene invites us into a transforming nature, a comforting wilderness untouched by disturbance. This warm atmosphere, rooted in nature—mysterious yet serene—is crafted by the artist's simplicity and childlike spirit, creating a unique realm for us to explore.

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap.

150*200 cm


The visual imagery presented in the paintings differs significantly from images created through cameras or computers. All the works in this exhibition utilize Lacquer, a material with a history spanning thousands of years, which Jiang has infused with new vitality. I hesitate to label Jiang’s works simply as lacquer paintings; in my memory, mentioning lacquer often leads to discussions of various techniques and processes that overshadow the expressive content. In front of Jiang Haiming's works, the first thing that captivates the eye is the enchanting painted realm. The semi-translucent quality of lacquer guides us deeper into the meaning of the artwork. Through sculpted lines and distinct layers of color, the images—sometimes hidden, sometimes revealed—evoke childhood memories, allowing us to wander through a sensory world within the paintings.

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap.

183x183 cm


Lacquer is a material that changes slowly with time and temperature, often referred to as Sheng qi生漆 due to its living, evolving plant origins. This material serves as the artist's tool for dreaming, much like convenient transportation helps us reach our intended destinations more quickly. By effectively utilizing the characteristics of lacquer, we can more easily enter the artist's secret realm. This exhibition invites us to engage with the works in a tactile way, allowing us to freely unleash our senses and fully explore the artist's captivating world.

——萧斌 Xiao Bin

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap.

120*200 cm

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap

80*160cm画芯 no frame(103*180cm 画框 on frame)

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap

80*160cm画芯 no frame(103*180cm 画框 on frame)

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap

80*160cm画芯 no frame(103*180cm 画框 on frame)

秘境·灵隐 Secret Realm·Lingyin


Lacquer, Gold and Silver foil, Mother-of-Pearl, Tile Gray, Dry Lacquer powder, and Burlap.

80*160cm画芯 no frame(103*180cm 画框 on frame)

姜海明 Jiang Haiming


2006—2010中国美术学院 壁画系 本科

2010—2013中国美术学院 漆艺工作室,硕士研究生导师:唐明修












萧斌 Xiao Bin



“温暖的光-谢山个展” 上海 百空间

“秦一峰” 上海龙美术馆 西岸馆


“重返木兰溪”线上直播 福建莆田(2020)

“中国色-走向绝对的东方美学”上海龙美术馆西岸馆 (2021)

“云间风度-王劼音个展” 上海龙美术馆(2016)

“佚名-当代艺术展 ”北京今格艺术中心 (2015)


“新视界”当代艺术展 北京798艺术中心

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