

活动时间:2024-09-06 至 2024-10-26


COSPACE将于2024年9月06日至2024年10月26日举办知名雕塑艺术家谢艾格女士的作品回顾展,展览题为“ 形而上,形而下”,回溯了谢艾格从2007年至今的16件雕塑艺术作品。

在过去近二十年间,谢艾格以铜塑作为媒介,继续着她在“道”和“器” 之间上下求索的道路。对于谢艾格而言,雕塑的创作是将酒神式的浪漫感发与在佛学修行中获得的理性智识寄托并呈现在她的 雕塑作品中的过程,这也使她的作品内核充盈着一种本真的自我,生成了一个极具东方意蕴的“存在的世界”。在这个世界中既包罗了形而下的经验的物质实体,如谢艾格童年记忆 中的玩具、故土的山川和树木、不同形态的苹果、瑜伽动作等,更涵泳了一种形而上的精神渊源——无念无妄、不住于相的证悟。

COSPACE will hold a retrospective exhibition of the works of the famous sculptor Ms. Xie Aige from September 6, 2024 to October 26, 2024. The exhibition is titled "Metaphysical, Physical", and reviews Xie Aige's 16 sculptures from 2007 to the present.

In the past nearly 20 years, Xie Aige has used bronze sculpture as a medium to continue her path of seeking between "Tao" and "Instrument". For Xie Aige, the creation of sculpture is a process of entrusting and presenting the Dionysian romantic inspiration and the rational knowledge gained in Buddhist practice in her sculptures, which also makes the core of her works full of an authentic self, generating a "world of existence" with oriental connotations. In this world, it not only includes the material entities of physical experience, such as the toys in Xie Aige's childhood memories, the mountains and trees of her hometown, apples of different forms, yoga movements, etc., but also contains a metaphysical spiritual source-the enlightenment of no thoughts and no delusion, and not dwelling on appearances.


“结识艾格近20载,互为好友,不失问候;作为观察者,我也亲证她的艺术实践不断发生、成长、收 获和卷藏的饱满进程。三年前,在那些全民困顿的时刻里,我曾与艾格和过一次标题:“ 一小世界,无量初心”,为的是以一个小小的和谦逊的人类站位,去思考“天地并生”与“ 万物为一” 当中,自然和人类之间二律悖反的关系本质。如今,人生海海,时光无羁,行至中年,鞋帮里也时时硌着沙砾 ;但艾格已告别挣扎,唯步履不停,靠着淳良和感恩的信念,继续前进。人求自在,内心无我,艺术 家的生命维度和创作张力足以透过作品中的大千世界而释放其能量。形质上下,器道之间的自洽, 正是当所有和人类、生物、山川有关的雕塑和草图依托艺术家可能被感知的意识存在而不断演化和变幻之时,由谢艾格再一次编织起的,一个属于她的纯真时代。”


I have had the privilege of knowing Xie Aige for nearly two decades, not just as a cherished friend but also as a keen observer of her artistic journey — a journey marked by continuous growth, fruition, and reflection. Three years ago, during a period of national adversity, Aige and I engaged in a dialogue titled “A Small World, Infinite Beginnings.” This conversation sought to explore theprofound concept of “The parallel birth of heaven and earth”and the unity of “All things as one” from the humble perspective of a single human being. We reflected on the dichotomy between nature and humanity, contemplating how, in the shared genes is of heaven and earth, all things might be seen as interconnected.

Today, life flows, time elapses, and as we reach middle age, we often find the grains of life’s challenges irritatingly lodged within our shoes. Yet, Aige has gracefully bid farewell to such struggles, choosing instead to move forward with unwavering honesty and gratitude. Her life’s dimension and the creative tension that she nurtures are powerful forces, capable of channeling their energy into the world through her art.

In Aige's work, there is a profound harmony between form and texture, between artifactsand the paths they take. Her sculptures and sketches, which draw from human experiences, the natural world, and the landscapes of mountains and rivers, are in a state of constant evolution. This evolution is in tune with the artist's conscious existence, which she perceives and channels into her creations. Through this inspiration, Xie Aige has woven together an era of innocence thatis uniquely hers — an era where art and life merge, and where her creative force continues to shape the world with a sense of purity and timelessness.

--Curator: Zhang Ting

赏山图,铸铜,90 x 20 x 34 cm,2015

Gazing at the Peaks, Bronze

来,铸铜,100 x 27 x 83 cm,2012

Approach, Bronze

逍遥树,铸铜,148 x 64 x 33 cm,2024

Lucky Branch, Bronze

幸运树枝,铸铜,117 x 50 x 30 cm,2015

Lucky Branches, Bronze

瑜伽系列十,铸铜,45 x 22 x 62 cm,2023

Yoga No.10, Bronze

瑜伽系列三,铸铜,60 x 25 x 62 cm,2009

Yoga No.3, Bronze

猫,女人和沙发,铸铜,68 x 50 x 38 cm,2009

The Cat, the Sofa, and the Lady, Bronze

给我一双翅膀,铸铜,57 x 44 x 82 cm,2012

Endow Me With Wings, Bronze

太极之一,铸铜,72 x 33 x 90 cm,2009

Taiqi No.1, Bronze

金苹果,玻璃钢,16 x 15 x 30 cm,2015

Golden Apple, Fiberglass

红苹果,玻璃钢,17 x 16 x 32 cm,2015

Red Apple, Fiberglass

作为中国最有影响力的 70 后雕塑家之一 ,谢艾格以其异想天开的、精雕细琢的雕塑而闻名。 她的作品常常覆盖着明亮的乳白色或闪亮的黑色,捕捉人和大自然微妙的瞬间。“太极”系列 可以说是谢艾格最出名的作品,这一系列描绘了表现出各种太极动作的略显抽象的人物。“即 使是最安静的姿势也能深深触动我们”,谢艾格说。

对童趣的忠诚与逍遥自在的追求共同栖息在她的身体里,连接起两者的那股真与纯粹是流淌在 谢艾格血液里的,深入作品的每一寸的。谢艾格为她的人物们构造了一个诗意的世界里,填满 了她浪漫的思绪。在那里没有规矩的束缚,唯一的准则便是随心。如果说太极和瑜伽系列中的 谢艾格尝试用心去感知本我,是一种潜意识的修行,当她将目光重新投向生命、人性本质这类 最原始简单的母题时便诞生了扶王山、逍遥游一类的作品。此时的她已经看见了自己的心,悟 出了何为“空”的境界。

谢艾格,1977 年出生于中国湖南,学习于上海大学美术学院,曾任教于上海同济大学人文与艺 术设计系,现职业艺术家,中国陶瓷艺术家协会会员,上海工艺美术设计协会会员。她的作品 曾多次参加国内外重要机构展览以及国际艺术博览会,获得热烈反响,包括巴塞尔艺博会(迈 阿密,香港) 、洛杉矶国际艺博会、阿姆斯特丹双年展、成都蓝顶美术馆、刘海粟美术馆、上 海多伦现代美术馆等。


This exhibition was curated by Ms. Zhang Ting, a Fine Arts PhD holder and a Professor at the China Academy of Art. And Ms. Wang Yue, a PhD candidate in Visual Culture Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

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