

活动时间:2024-11-03 至 2024-12-21


周围艺术画廊即将推出北京艺术家王玉平的个展《无处不在》(Around Every Corner),展出艺术家近十年来创作的精彩作品。

世界美术 VIII

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

42cm × 56cm,2017


世界美术 XI

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

42cm × 56cm,2024


骆驼牌香烟 II

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

23cm × 31cm,2013



Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

31cm × 41cm,2019


浮世绘的小人书 I

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

31cm × 41cm,2015

浮世绘的小人书 X

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

31cm × 41cm,2016



Paper, acrylic, oil pastel 纸本、亚克力 、油画棒

115cm × 72cm,2011



Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

23cm × 31cm,2013


奈良绘本 II

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

23cm × 31cm,2013

AroundSpace is thrilled to present Beijing artist Wang Yuping’s solo exhibition, Around Every Corner, exhibiting the artist’s achievements in the last ten years.


Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

42cm × 56cm,2024


Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

42cm × 56cm,2016

A native Beijinger, Wang Yuping graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Art (CAFA) in 1989 and has taught at his alma mater. He has a laidback and content temperament and demeanor as seen in old-school Beijing intellectuals. Wang has a passion for the street scenes and people in Beijing, as well as any seemingly insignificant objects at hand.


Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

31cm × 41cm,2013

The paper-based watercolor pieces shown in this exhibition depict ordinary subjects that are of little importance, but carry profound meanings and selected tastes: the nostalgic World Art journals that once offered Wang’s generation of art students the only source of international art news, those translated novels, crumpled Camel cigarette packs, and German beer bottles indicate desired foreign lifestyles,


Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

30cm × 40cm,2016

and the comic books, iron pencil boxes and plastic writing boards constitutes Wang’s childhood memory. Wang made these watercolor pieces with easy brushstrokes and delicate colors. He captured the details precisely but were not bound to the original objects. With his masterful skills, it no long matters what he paints; and he can depict everything and anything at ease.

铅笔盒 IV

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

23cm × 31cm,2013

铅笔盒 III

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

23cm × 31cm,2013

Wang Yuping is enthusiastic about painting. He finds inspiration from around every corner in life and keeps a distance from the madding world. For him, painting is an enjoyment, a way of living, instead of a method to prove himself, or a path to achieve any goals. He stated that he enjoyed painting on the street of Beijing, capturing the red Palace wall covered with white snow and workers wearing orange jumpsuits under the blue sky, just like “dreaming under the sun,” when time seems to slow down while he paints.


Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

31cm × 41cm,2024

These street scenes remind the viewer of the landscapes David Hockney painted on iPad lately, splendorous yet effortless. Shown in this exhibition, Yong Jia Road, a rare interpretation of Shanghai’s street scene by the artist, successfully captured the unique style and structure of Shanghai's French Concession, with a delicate color scheme and intricate composition, which differs from the street scene in Beijing in every respect.

东洋画论 II

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

31cm × 41cm,2013

In Wang Yuping’s earlier works, free-styled images were influenced by German Expressionists and the beguiling color scheme can be traced back to the Nabi movement in the late 19th century, which contributed to a personal style between naturalism and surrealism. Since then, he has developed a more relaxed and spontaneous style, experimenting with Western Expressionism and Chinese freehand brushwork (Xie Yi), conflating Western and Eastern approaches, and forming his own classics. It is the kind of soothing and comfortable state of mind in Wang’s work that attracts the viewer the most. His carefree and unaggressive manner fits perfectly with the most popular and latest fashion, a sense of relaxation.

老式刮脸刀 I 局部

老式刮脸刀 II 局部

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

30cm × 40cm,2016

Wang Yuping’s art is like the winter sun in Northern China, mild yet mighty, around every corner.

唐卡临摹 III

Watercolor on paper 纸本水彩

31cm × 41cm,2016

王玉平 Wang Yuping





2021 虚岁六十,松美术馆,北京

2021 我在马路边,当代唐人艺术中心,北京

2021 盐烤银杏,站台中国,北京

2018 无聊的天堂,当代唐人艺术中心,香港

2017 景山前街:王玉平画展当代唐人艺术中心,北京

2011 中央美术学院造型艺术年度提名展—2011王玉平,中央美术学院美术馆,北京1993 王玉平作品展,中国美术馆,北京


2021 All on Paper,周围艺术画廊,上海

2021 沙特阿拉伯迪里耶双年展,迪里耶

2017 相遇亚欧,侨福当代美术馆,北京

2014 中国新表现主义,中华艺术宫,上海

2013 大阪三年展,大阪

2013 时代肖像-当代艺术30年,上海当代博物馆,上海

2000 第三届上海双年展,上海美术馆,上海

1997 第47届威尼斯双年展,威尼斯

1991 新生代艺术展,历史博物馆,北京

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