

活动时间:2024-10-18 至 2024-11-17

活动地址:北京市朝阳区半截塔村53号郎园STATION A1-4

坦诚 / Sincerity


布面油画 / Oil on canvas

120 × 100 cm


禁猎区 / Game Refuge


布面油画 / Oil on canvas

60 × 50 cm

We are pleased to announce the opening of Zhang Ke's solo exhibition at KeYi Gallery Beijing on October 18th, which is Zhang Ke's second solo exhibition at KeYi Gallery after “A Lie is a Crease that Cannot be Smoothed”. With the theme of “Excessive Expectation”, this exhibition presents more than ten pieces of the artist's work from the past two years, and will be on view until November 17th.

期许 / Expectations


布面油画 / Oil on canvas

60 × 50 cm

张珂,1996 年出生于安徽淮北,2018 年学士毕业于广州美术学院,2021 年硕士毕业于英国皇家艺术学院,现工作生活于上海。张珂的作品以温馨和谐的表面与不安的内里的反差为基本来表达对于“稳定”和“常识”的怀疑,诸如幻觉与现实、生物和静物的糅合与对立。她将传统物象拆解、重构、并置,利用传统视觉元素本身所持有的原始性质营造错觉,创造出隐喻性的荒诞空间。她的作品曾被 X 美术馆,Longlati Foundation 等机构收藏。

她参与的主要展览包括:“跨级社区”,上海油罐艺术中心,(上海,2024);“谎言是一种无法被抚平的褶皱”,可以画廊,(合肥,2023);双人联展 :“游客中心”,想象力学实验室,( 杭州,2022); “具体绘画”,盒子美术馆,( 佛山,2023); “一个干净明亮的地方”,Yuan Museum,( 北京,2022); “USB 多端口链接展第二站”,Func Gallery,( 上海,2021); “USB 多端口链接展第一站”,没顶画廊,( 上海,2021); “闲人出差 vacation”,Vacancy Gallery( 上海 ,2021); “Final Not Over Again”,Unit 1 Gallery,( 伦敦,2021) 等。

Zhang Ke, born in Huaibei, Anhui in 1996, graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2018 with a bachelor's degree, and from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 2021 with a master's degree. Now she lives and works in Shanghai. Zhang Ke's works explore the miracle of personal perspective. She analogizes artistic creation to alchemy, extracts concepts from elements and reorganizes them, uses the original nature of elements to create illusion, and creates a series of paintings with absurd atmosphere. Her works have been collected by X museum, Longlati Foundation and other institutions.

The main exhibitions she has participated in include: "Supercrowds / supercommunity|", TANKS shanghai, (2024,Shanghai); "A Lie is a Crease that Cannot be Smoothed", KeYi Gallery, (Hefei, 2023); a two-person group show: "Tourist Center",Imagokinetics (Hangzhou, 2022);"ConcRETe PAINTING",Boxes Art Museum,(Foshan,2023);" A Clean, Well-lighted Place", Yuan Museum, (Beijing, 2022); "The Second Station of USB Multiport Link Exhibition", Func Gallery, (Shanghai, 2021); "The first stop of USB Multiport Link Exhibition",Madein Gallery, (Shanghai, 2021); "Vacation by idle people", Vacancy Gallery, (Shanghai, 2021); "Final Not Over Again" ,Unit 1 Gallery, (London, 2021); "Room Theater", OCAT Box Space Happy Coast Exhibition Area, (Shenzhen, 2021),etc.