法兰西艺术院(Académie des Beaux-Arts)作为法国最具历史与影响力的艺术机构之一,在多个艺术领域深刻影响着法国乃至全球的艺术发展。本次展览精心遴选法兰西艺术院朱德群、赵无极、吴为山、让·卡尔多(Jean Cardot)、克洛德 · 阿巴吉(Claude Abeille)、皮埃尔-伊夫·特雷莫瓦(Pierre-Yves Trémois)等11位中法艺术大师的90余件作品,以艺术家的独行轨迹为切入点,在彼此的“远行”“往来”与“追寻”中呈现他们对自然生态、宇宙万物、人类演变和社会变革等议题的深刻思考。
The fusion of Eastern and Western cultures has been a key element in developing modern Chinese art in the 20th century. It aligns with the natural progression of artistic development and represents the blending and complementarity of aesthetic and philosophical concepts from both cultures. From the late 19th to early 20th century, many Chinese artists traveled to France for new knowledge. Under the influence of Western modern art, tradition and innovation merged, pushing forward the modernization of Chinese art. Similarly, French artists found inspiration in the allure of the East, engaging in a dialogue with Chinese traditional culture, and incorporating its essence into various Western art movements. This cross-cultural exchange created an art legend that transcends time and space.
As one of the most historical and influential art institutions in France, the Académie des Beaux-Arts has had a profound impact on the development of art in France and around the world. In this exhibition, more than 90 works by 11 Chinese and French masters of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, including Chu Teh-chun, Zao Wou-ki, Wu Weishan, Jean Cardot, Claude Abeille, Pierre-Yves Trémois have been carefully selected, and the solo journeys of these artists are used as a starting point for this exhibition. In the course of their "travels", "exchanges" and "pursuits", the artists present their profound thoughts on natural ecology, the universe, the evolution of mankind and social change.
The Guangdong Museum of Art has always adhered to the cultural mission of promoting international art exchanges, and promotes the fusion and resonance between Chinese and Western cultures through diversified exhibitions. In the context of globalization, this exhibition will present an art feast that spans across the East and the West and across the ages, and we hope that the audience will feel the profound meaning of the intersection of civilizations and the infinite possibilities of artistic language.
Brigitte Terziev
Born in Paris in 1943, Brigitte Terziev studied sculpture at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1959. She held her first solo exhibition in Paris in 1975. In the 1980s, her work began to be acquired by various public institutions in France and Europe. Since 2000, her pieces have been showcased at major international art festivals and exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale and the French Sculpture Triennale.
《守夜人6号》37cm×50cm×220cm 铜 2019年 中国美术馆藏
Bruno Barbey
Bruno Barbey was born in Morocco in 1941 and graduated in photography and graphic design from the École des Arts et Métiers in Vevey, Switzerland. He joined Magnum Photos in 1964, serving as Vice President for Europe from 1978 to 1979 and as President of Magnum Photos globally from 1992 to 1995. In 2016, he was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts. Barbey has traveled to over 75 countries, publishing several photography collections that document his profound observations of places like Morocco, Italy, China, and India.
《丰收,四川》33.5cm×48.5cm 摄影 1980年 中国美术馆藏
Chu Teh-Chun
Born in Baitu Town, Jiangsu, Chu Teh-Chun entered the National Hangzhou Academy of Art in 1935, studying under Fang Ganmin and Wu Dayu. During the Sino-Japanese War, he was inspired by traditional Chinese landscape painting, which influenced his later style. From 1945 to 1955, he taught at Nanjing Central University and Taiwan Normal University. He settled in Paris in 1955 and was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1997.
《无题 2007》 70cm×69cm 中国画 2007年 中国美术馆藏
Claude Abeille
克洛德·阿巴吉1930年出生于法国,1952年在法国国立高等装饰艺术学院学习雕塑,师从罗伯特·库图里埃 (Robert Couturier)。1964年,阿巴吉获得布德尔雕塑奖,1989年获得杜马斯-米利尔雕塑奖,1992年当选法兰西艺术院院士,2014年担任法兰西艺术院院长。
Claude Abeille was born in France in 1930 and studied sculpture at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris under Robert Couturier. In 1964, he won the Bourdelle Sculpture Prize, and in 1989, he received the Dumas-Millier Sculpture Prize. He was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1992 and served as its president in 2014.
《测量师》 56cm×38cm 版画 2010年
Jean Anguera
让·安哥拉1953年出生于法国巴黎,获巴黎国家高等美术学院建筑学学位。让·安哥拉从小受家庭氛围的熏陶,对雕塑充满热情。在巴黎国家高等美院学习建筑的同时,他还参加了塞萨尔雕塑工作室的课程,并在那里遇见了终身伴侣劳拉·德·里比尔 (Laura de Ribert)。1977年,两人结婚并搬到奥弗涅定居,丰富的风景和地貌成为他创作的灵感源泉。自1978年起,他决定全身心投入雕塑和绘画创作,将建筑学的严谨转化为雕塑作品的构思。在这期间,安哥拉创造了独特的艺术语言——“双重意向”,在这种语言下,人体和风景别具一格的交织在一起。
Jean Anguera was born in Paris in 1953 and graduated in architecture from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. Early influenced by his family’s artistic background, he studied architecture while also attending César’s sculpture studio, where he met his lifelong partner, Laura de Ribert. In 1977, they moved to Auvergne, where the landscape inspired much of his work.
《与风景交织的坐着的女人》130cm×58cm×142cm 聚酯树脂 2008年
Jean Cardot
Jean Cardot was born in Saint-Étienne, France, in 1930. He studied at art schools in Saint-Étienne, Lyon, and Paris, and later taught at the Higher School of Fine Arts in Lyon and Paris, where he mentored many young sculptors. In 1983, he was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts, and he served as its president in 1992 and 1997.
《公牛(习作1)》 34cm×40cm 素描 1959年 让·卡尔多基金会藏
Philippe Garel
Philippe Garel was born in 1945 in Trégastel, Brittany. He studied at art schools in Quimper, Rennes, and Paris from 1962 to 1968. In 1967, he first participated in the Paris Young Artists Biennale, and in 1974, he held his first solo exhibition. He later exhibited in cities such as Paris, Madrid, Brussels, and New York. From 1980 to 2005, he served as a professor at the École des Beaux-Arts in Rouen, and in 2015, he was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts.
《椅子》 200cm×250cm 油画 2013年
Pierre-Yves Trémois
Pierre-Yves Tremois was born in Paris in 1921 and graduated from the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts. He became a member of the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze in 1963, and in 1965, he joined several French committees, including the National Contemporary Book Committee and the French Printmaking Committee. In 1971, he was elected to the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, and in 1978, he was elected a member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts.
《多宝鱼》 124cm×208cm 布面油画 2002年
Wu Guanzhong
Born in Yixing, Jiangsu, entered the National Hangzhou Academy of Art in 1936. He studied in France in 1946 under Professor Jean Souverbie. Returning to China in 1950, he taught at institutions including the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University’s Architecture Department, Beijing Art Institute, and Central Academy of Arts and Crafts.
《红莲》 66cm×91cm 油画 1997年 中国美术馆藏
Wu Weishan
Wu Weishan, born in Yancheng, Jiangsu, studied Fine Arts at Nanjing Normal University. After graduating in 1987, he stayed on as a teacher. He is currently Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League, Director of the National Art Museum of China, Vice Chairman of the China Artists Association, and President of the China Urban Sculpture Artists Association,. In 2018, he was elected as a correspondent of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, becoming the second Chinese artist, after Wu Guanzhong, to receive this honor.
《巍然成山-孔子》 85cmx46cmx37cm 青铜 2010年 中国城市雕塑家协会藏
Zao Wou-Ki
1921年出生于北京,成长于江苏南通,自幼研习中国绘画与书法。毕业于国立艺术专科学校(现中国美术学院),师从林风眠、吴大羽等曾留学欧洲的艺术家。1948年,他前往巴黎,开启了其卓越的艺术生涯。1951年,受保罗·克利 (Paul Klee)影响,他转向情感丰沛的抽象画风,并于1954年完全投入抽象创作,形成了以抒情、动态与气势著称的风格,被称为“西方现代抒情抽象派的代表”。2003年当选法兰西艺术院院士。
Born in Beijing and raised in Nantong, Jiangsu, Zao Wou-Ki began studying Chinese painting and calligraphy from a young age. He graduated from the National Hangzhou Academy of Art (now China Academy of Art), studying under Lin Fengmian and Wu Dayu. In 1948, he moved to Paris and, influenced by Paul Klee, embraced abstract painting by 1954, developing a dynamic, lyrical style. He became a key figure in Western modern lyrical abstraction. In 2003, Zao was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts.
《无题》 31cm×31cm 中国画 1998年 中国美术馆藏