

活动时间:2025-02-28 至 2025-04-26


金杜艺术中心荣幸宣布,将于2025年2月28日为大家呈现「诗」-- 女性艺术展。


Dwelling in Nonattachment, Let the Mind Arise

— Poetic Expressions in Women's Art



Liao Wen


向京Xiang Jing ,《一江春水向东流》The River Flows East,2014-2016,玻璃钢着色Fiberglass, painted,组合后尺寸可变Dimensions variable after installation

I have named this exhibition "Poetry" not as a so-called "literary" appeal, but rather to explore the poetic expressions in women's art that are rooted in the everyday yet transcend the ordinary.

苏亚碧Su Yabi,《树》Tree,2023,金属丝编织Iron wire sculpture,400×200cm


喻红Yu Hong,《麦粒、煤块和泥土》,Wheat,Coal Bricks,and Clay,2018,布面丙烯Acrylic on canvas,250×300cm

Daily life is nothing more than the social and natural environments. The relationship between human emotions and spiritual desires and these two environments is dynamic and complex, interdependent, mutually restrictive, and mutually influential. This complexity gives rise to the possibilities and sense of existence in human life. How one perceives the relationship between oneself and the environment depends on each individual's understanding of life and their state of existence.

孙蛮 Sun Man,《路的尽头·黄色》The end of the path·Yellow,2003,纸板油画 Oil on cardboard,8.5×12.6cm


潘然 Pan Ran, 《霁》After Raining, 2024, 布面油彩 Oil on canvas,60×50cm

李满金 Li Manjin,《众生系列NO.38》 The Series of Sentient BeingsNO.38,2017,纸本炭笔水墨水彩 Paper charcoal ink watercolor,55×47cm

There is a famous saying in the Diamond Sutra that goes, "Dwelling in Nonattachment, Let the Mind Arise" This means that one should not cling to any external things or phenomena—such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touchs, and mental objects(the "six dusts")—the mind remains unbound, clear, and free. With this mindset, one can face all aspects of life with ease, discovering beauty even in the most mundane and ordinary moments.

王钰清 Wang Yuqing,《日记》Diary,2014,透明欧根纱、丝线 单层刺绣 Transparent organza, silk thread single layer embroidery,30×40cm


王宝菊 Wang Baoju,《哈》Breathing Out,2022,影像Video,26’45”

童文敏 Tong Wenmin,《草坪》Lawn,2018,行为,中国重庆中梁村 performance, Chongqing, China ,6'05"

赤身穿着草坪缝制的大衣趴在草坪上,缓慢地,逐渐站起来。Naked in a lawn sewn coat, lying on the lawn, slowly, gradually stand up.

图片由艺术家和空白空间提供/Courtesy the artist and WHITE SPACE

The artists and works I've chosen for this exhibition capture the most delicate and intuitive sensibilities of women, expressing themselves through pure and poetic forms. The innermost, nuanced, and authentic emotional states of women are depicted while the relationship between humans, reality, and nature is explored.


February 14,2025,Songzhuang Studio