
活动时间:2024-06-22 至 2024-07-30


Tong Gallery+Projects 荣幸宣布,将于2024年6月22日与Orange Art合作,于禾怡美术馆共同推出艺术家孟德宇个展《The XXVI》,呈现艺术家近期的绘画作品,展览将持续至2024年7月30日。敬请关注!

Tong Gallery+Projects is honored to announce a collaboration with Orange Art to present Meng Deyu's solo exhibition "The XXVI" at Heyi Art Museum, opening on June 22, 2024. The exhibition will feature the artist's recent paintings and will be on view until July 30, 2024. Look forward to seeing you there!

“INRI”这个词儿的四个字母,不仅代表“耶稣,拿撒勒人,犹太人的王”(Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum)的缩写,还在26个字母中,分别对应数字8、3、7、8,用罗马文则是XXVI。这四个数字加起来,总和为26,象征着“一切”。

“在空间中它游离在某些位置上,在文化上它左右着一些变化,在一段时间里被包裹着,形成你我的世界” 是孟德宇对“一切”的阐述,就像康德对“力的崇高”的判断一样,“一切”也显露出崇高的属性。

哲学上,康德在《判断力批判》中,把崇高(das Erhabene)定义为,人们在面对巨大自然力量,所体验到的情感 - 情感,不仅源于自然本身的威势,更源于理性和意志超越的能力。*1 这种力揭示了自然力量的无限性,更唤醒了自身存在的崇高与自由,涵盖了对世界和自我的全面认知。所以力的崇高即“一切”,这种体验超越了具体感知,象征着人类内在精神的无限潜力,是面对巨大威压时的理性,也是对道德的自我超越,对本质的深刻理解。

本次“The XXVI”的展览,艺术家通过独特的符号体系和抽象表现形式,陈述“力的崇高”的同时,探讨了人类理性和精神的伟大与无限。孟德宇在创作中,力的崇高,经过视觉和物质,化成画面中奔放且古朴的色彩、激烈又克制的线条、和随意又沉稳的符号。它们在诉说,一种强大的内在力量。这种力量不仅仅是对自然的模仿或再现,而是超越具象的表达,对人类理性和精神自由的礼赞。

禾怡美术馆提倡“艺理相融,洞见天地”的理念,强调艺术与科学的交互启发,并勾连社会人文发展的双翼,让公众感受艺术和科学。在这样的背景下,展览“The XXVI”即是对传统、历史和宗教符号的重新诠释,更是对哲学中崇高概念的视觉探讨。

*1 康德,《判断力批判》,沃纳·S·普卢哈尔译,哈克特出版社,1987年,第98-104页。(原著于1790年出版)。Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Judgment. Translated by Werner S. Pluhar, Hackett Publishing Company, 1987, pp. 98-104. (Original work published 1790).

NORD, 布面油画 Oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm, 2023

The four letters "INRI" not only abbreviate "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum" ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews") but also correspond to the numbers 8, 3, 7, and 8 in the 26-letter alphabet. In Roman numerals, this is written as XXVI, which sums up to 26, symbolizing the meaning of "everything."

"In space, it drifts in certain positions; culturally, it influences some changes; over time, it becomes enveloped, forming the world of you and me." This is Meng Deyu's interpretation of "everything." Just as Kant's judgment on the "dynamically sublime," "everything" also reveals sublime qualities.

Kant's concept of the sublime (das Erhabene) in the "Critique of Judgment" refers to the emotions experienced when confronted with the immense forces of nature. These emotions arise not only from the power of nature itself but also from the ability to transcend this power through reason and will. This force reveals not only the boundlessness of nature's power but also awakens the sublimity and freedom of one's existence, encompassing a comprehensive understanding of the world and oneself. Thus, the dynamically sublime represents "everything" because the experience transcends concrete perception, symbolizing the infinite potential of the human spirit and the rational and moral self-transcendence in the face of great forces, leading to a profound understanding of essence.

In the exhibition "The XXVI," the artist explores the sublimity of force through a unique system of symbols and abstract forms, simultaneously addressing the sublimity and infinity of human reason and spirit. In Meng Deyu's works, the dynamically sublime is visualized and materialized into expressive yet primitive colors, intense yet restrained lines, and spontaneous yet composed symbols, all narrating a powerful inner force. This force is not merely an imitation or reproduction of nature but a transcendent expression, a tribute to human reason and spiritual freedom.

Echoing Heyi Art Museum's philosophy of "integrating art and science to gain insight into the universe," the exhibition emphasizes the interplay between art and science, connecting the twin wings of societal and cultural development to let the public experience both art and science. In this context, the exhibition "The XXVI" is not only a reinterpretation of traditional, historical, and religious symbols but also a visual exploration of the philosophical concept of the sublime.

Nothing07, 布面油画 Oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm, 2023

孟德宇,88年⽣⼈,⾃由职业。2009年毕业于北京中央美院附中。2016年毕业于意⼤利佛罗伦 萨美术学院绘画系BISI⼯作室。主要展览经历:覆舟的喜悦, TongGallery+Projects, 北京 (2023); Ciao Amore, TongGallery+Projects, 北京 (2021);⾕⾬艺术节,深圳(2021);树美术馆‘繁星计划’ ,北京(2020);’从你到我’当代 艺术展,⻘岛(2020);燕岭园艺术驻地展,东莞 (2020);中国SPA艺术⼤奖⼊围 (2020);北京红⻔画廊驻地展览,北京(2019);杭州宝⻰艺术展览,杭州(2019);蔚蓝 海岸驻地展览,秦皇岛(2019);上海⻘年艺术博览会,上海(2019);⻘衿计划北京 ,北京 (2019);⼤艺之境展览,厦⻔(2019);北京宋洋美术馆个展’途中’,北京(2018);东北表 现性绘画展览,北京(2018);WA.RT 当代艺术总展,佛罗伦萨美帝奇宫,意⼤利佛罗伦萨 (2017)等。