

活动时间:2024-06-29 至 2024-10-13





赵无极出身书香门第,求学于国立杭州艺专,1948年赴法,成为非定型艺术(informalism)、“抒情抽象”(Lyrical Abstraction)的代表画家。

Zao Wou-Ki came from a family with deep cultural tradition. He studied then became lecturer at the Hangzhou National Academy of Arts. In 1948, he moved to France, where he became a representative painter of Informalism and Lyrical Abstraction.




"If I had not become a painter, I would have been a poet."

——Zao Wou-Ki

“律之绘音:赵无极的画意与诗心”展正是想追溯这个“如果”,探究这位享誉国际的艺术家创作中的诗情与画意。“律”既是诗词歌赋的音韵节律,也指万物自然的法则规律。赵无极透过画作探索宇宙,于精微处中发现隽永与不凡。在他的作品中,我们可以扑捉到视像之外的广阔与丰富,体味光色混沌中隐约萌生不息的生命之力。从赵无极终其一生的艺术创作中,我们不难看出他绘画中所蕴藏的苍茫诗意和拙巧的修辞手法。无论是对中国古代诗人的遥远致敬,如屈原、杜甫、李白,等;还是与现代诗人的深入合作,如亨利·米修(Henri Michaux)、勒内·夏尔(René Char)、克劳德·罗伊(Claude Roy)、埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)、安德烈·马尔罗(André Malraux)、多米尼克·德维尔潘(Dominique de Villepin)等,无不直陈赵无极以画笔书写的诗心,表露其精神之愉悦与沉思。

"Echoes of Verses: The Poetic Palimpsests of Zao Wou-Ki" is precisely an exploration of this “if”, delving into the poetic context and artistic expressions in the works of this internationally renowned artist. “律” as “verse”, refers both to the metrical rhythm of poetry and to the natural laws of the universe. Through his artistic creations, Zao Wou-Ki explored the cosmos, discovering profundity and extraordinary qualities in life. In his works, we can capture the vastness and richness beyond the visual, sensing the subtle and ceaseless force of life emerging amidst light and color. From his lifelong artistic endeavors, it is easy to sense the rich poeticality in his paintings. Whether it is a distant homage to ancient Chinese poets like Qu Yuan, Du Fu, and Li Bai, or his in-depth collaborations with modern French poets such as Henri Michaux, René Char, André Malraux and Dominique de Villepin, Zao Wou-Ki’s works reveal his poetic heart, expressing his spiritual joy and contemplation.


The exhibition will present Zao Wou-Ki‘s prints in different periods, spanning from figurative to abstraction. It aims to elucidate his poetic exploration throughout his painting career, unveiling the serene and profound artistic conception behind. This exhibition will particularly focus on the imagery and metaphors in Zao Wou-Ki‘s prints, highlighting the unique charm of his poetic creations and exploring the intricate intertextual relationship between visual arts and literary poetry.



Selected from Zao Wou-Ki‘s prints from the 1950s to the early 2000s, the exhibition will present over 80 precious works and poems completed in collaborations between Zao Wou-Ki and various poets. It will juxtapose different stages of the artist‘s creations with corresponding poetry, presenting a multidimensional enlightenment of intellect and spirit through the boundless fusion of art and literature.



Previous exhibitions of Zao Wou-Ki often focused on his abstract style, techniques and career trajectory. Although some exhibitions touched upon Zao Wou-Ki‘s connection with poetry, rarely did they give a close reading into the literary and poetic aspects of his works in depth. This exhibition, however, with its unique focus on the literary qualities in Zao Wou-Ki‘s prints, will elaborate on his collaborations with renowned poets, dissecting the many influential literary phrases and philosophical speculations within his works from both oriental and occidental traditions.

With his artistic creations as the main axis, the exhibition will seek to restore the actual context of cultural exchange through interdisciplinary perspectives, narrating the significance and charm of mutual learning among civilizations. It aims to provide visitors with fresh perspectives on artistic appreciation and multidimensional insights into cultural interpretation.


"Echoes of Verses" invites visitors to embark on a journey of artistic discovery. In the poetically charged works of Zao Wou-Ki, attendees are encouraged to trace the links between poetry and visual art, experiencing the transcendent beauty of life that goes beyond language.

¥ 20
¥ 9
¥ 268