

活动时间:2024-09-07 至 2024-10-15


新氧艺O2art 欣然宣布将于2024年9月7日推出艺术家黄蓝个展「陨石公园」,展期将持续至2024年10月15日。

O2art is pleased to announce that Huang Lan's solo exhibition "Meteorite Park" will be open on September 7, 2024. The exhibition will last until October 15, 2024.

本次展览呈现了黄蓝2018 — 2024年的34件最新坦培拉综合材料作品,作品以一帧的空间为创作锚点,围绕“日常”展开随时的书写,第三人称视角呈现出看似平常的生活场景,背后却直指那些想要毁灭的失常;然而作品所强调的并非瞬间画面,而是不同的平行时空,即便是同一组作品中的几个近乎相似的片段切分,它们之间也并非时间序列的叙事,而是微小差异所裂变出的迥异平行时空。当合理与常态被驱逐出真实,荒谬便进入了事物的本身,此刻这些并置画面所产生的缝隙,则为观者提供了一处幻象空间,一次互为终点的时空穿越,一种遥远又切身的体验。正像让·鲍德里亚(Jean Baudrillard)所谈论的:“事物自觉地实施了一种人造的与反讽的功能。”


This exhibition presents 34 recent works of Tempera mixed material by HUANG Lan, created between 2018 and 2024, using the confines of a single frame as an anchoring device. Each piece revolves around the theme of "daily life," employing a third-person perspective to depict seemingly ordinary scenes. Yet, beneath the surface, these works subtly allude to underlying disorders yearning for dissolution. These works resist the emphasis on fleeting moments, instead opting to explore the nuances of divergent temporal and spatial realms. Even within the same series, ostensibly similar photographs diverge, eschewing chronological narratives in favor of fissured iterations of time and space, fractured by minute discrepancies. When reason and normality are banished from the realm of the real, the absurd permeates and possess the objects. The juxtaposition of these frames create rifts, offering viewers an illusory space, a time travel that loops around terminal points, culminating in a distant, deeply personal experience. Jean Baudrillard's poignant observation resonates: "Objects, by their very existence, perform an artificial and ironic function."

Text/Loar Wang

黄蓝 Huang Lan



Tempera mixed material

21×39cm 2022

黄蓝 Huang Lan

一如往常 As Always


Tempera mixed material

22×54cm 2023

黄蓝,1989年生于湖南;2014年本科毕业于中央美术学院油画系第四工作室;现生活工作于北京。主要个展:2016,圣水,西五艺术中心, 北京,中国;近年群展:2023,冬青的礼物,玉兰堂,上海,中国;2023,持续性短暂,七木空间,北京,中国;2023,自然与我,新氧艺O2art,北京,中国;2020,海边漫步, 阆风艺术,上海,中国;2019,勘测者的引言,芳草地画廊,北京,中国;2018,臆想仓库,CHAO巢艺术,北京,中国;2018,拼贴,西五艺术中心,北京,中国;2015,甜品,凤凰艺都,北京,中国;2015,创客 - 未来展香港展,香港K11,香港,中国;2014,折桂枝 - 中国新锐绘画奖入围展,Hi艺术中心,北京,中国;2014,新绎之星 - 青年艺术扶持计划群展,今日美术馆,北京,中国。

Huang Lan, was born in Hunan province in 1989; 2014, graduated from the Fourth Studio of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree; Currently lives and works in Beijing. SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2016, Holy Water, Xiwu Art Centre, Beijing, China; GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2023, Me Mirrored, O2art, Beijing, China; 2020, Walking by the Sea, Levant Art, Shanghai, China; 2019, The Surveyor’s Introduction, Parkview Green Art, Beijing, China; 2018, Conjecture Warehouse, Chao Art, Beijing, China; 2018, Collage, Xiwu Art Centre, Beijing, China; 2015, Dessert, Phoenix Art Palace, Beijing, China; 2015, The 2rd CAFAM·Future-Exhibition Observer-Creator, Hong Kong K11, HongKong, China; 2014, Chinese New Painting Award-Pluck the Laurel, Hi Art Center, Beijing, China; 2014, Ovation Star-Youth Support Plan, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China.


Loar Wang, currently working in the curatorial department of O2art; Was born in Dunhuang in 1989; Graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a major in Art History and Fine Arts. Currently lives in Beijing; Focus on the artist's image generation and individual practice. Previously worked at Hive Centre For Contemporary Art, UCCA, and SIMULACRA Gallery.

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