

活动时间:2025-01-10 至 2025-04-20






The " The Fourth Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Works " originates from the year 1980, recognized as the inception of contemporary ink art during the first exhibition. Over more than four decades, contemporary ink art has undergone numerous breakthroughs and transformations, solidifying its "legitimacy" and evolving into a significant mirror of artistic expression. However, does this mirror need to be shattered once more? Have the initial concerns and critical consciousness been diluted? These are profound questions worthy of exploration. In the context of contemporary art, ink experimentation is not merely a response to Western art but also a deep exploration of indigenous artistic language.

This exhibition aims to reassess the intrinsic space of ink art by tracing the interconnectedness of the four art forms—poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving—seeking to transcend the limitations of traditional ink art and usher in a broader and more diverse era of artistic expression.

Breaking away from conventional exhibition formats, the show invites 11 artists—Li Jin, Li Bangyao, Liu Jin’an, Liu Yanhua, Qiu Ting, Wang Tiande, Wang Huangsheng, Wang Shaoqiang, Wu Yiming, Yan Shanchun and Zhu Jianzhong—to integrate their poetry, writings, and imagery into a dialogic space. This reconstitution of the relationships among "poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving" aims to inspire a renewed reflection on the cultural significance of contemporary ink art.

"Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, and Seal Carving: The Inner Landscape of Ink—The Fourth Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Works " is not only a reflection on the development of ink art but also a tribute to the spirit of artistic innovation. The Guangdong Museum of Art hopes that this exhibition will break through existing barriers, rekindle the transformative drive of ink art, and open new possibilities for its future.

红烧肉Ⅱ Red-stewed PorkⅡ

李津 Li Jin

纸本设色 Ink and Color on Paper

180 × 98cm


遗忘之诗2号 Poem of Forgetting No.2

李邦耀 Li Bangyao

综合材料 Mixed Materials

300 × 100cm


脆断的秩序 Fragmented Order

刘进安 Liu Jin'an

纸本水墨 Ink Wash on Paper

250 × 338 cm


名物制度或词与物 Nomenclature System, or Words and Objects

刘彦湖 Liu Yanhu

纸本水墨 Ink Wash on Paper

319 × 155cm × 2


与谁同坐 With Whom Shall I Sit

丘挺 Qiu Ting

纸本设色 Ink and Color on Paper

240 × 200cm


水墨菜单 2024版A Ink Menu 2024 EditionA

王天德 Wang Tiande

水墨装置 Ink Installation

尺寸可变 Dimensions Variable


诸相非相 All Forms Are Non-Forms

王绍强 Wang Shaoqiang

纸本水墨 Ink Wash on Paper

545 × 218cm


行道树 9 Roadside Trees 9

邬一名 Wu Yiming

宣纸彩墨 Color and Ink on Xuan Paper

140 × 440cm


史话•梦想 赫德逊河1B Historical Tales • Dreams: Hudson River 1B

严善錞 Yan Shanchun

铜版画 Copper Plate Engraving

15 × 150cm


松入风 Pine Meeting Wind

朱建忠 Zhu Jianzhong

纸本水墨丙烯 Ink and Acrylic on Paper

192 × 190 × 4.5cm